[GP-Eldorado-n] Call for Volunteer for the f Peace & Justice film series

Diana Stauffer dianasum at directcon.net
Wed Apr 5 16:37:59 PDT 2006

Call for volunteer for Film Series.

Martha d'Aquino, who has been running our end of the month film series for several years, has requested someone to take over the task while she goes to the Azores, and even after that.  If you would be able to help the Peace Community by taking over this project, please contact Gale Martinez, the volunteer coordinator, at respect at innercite.com. (Phone 530 621 3089)


The job would include selecting a film to show, scheduling it at the Cozmic Café, making a flyer to publicize it and distributing it, arriving before the showing to set up chairs and the film, show it, discuss if desired and re stack chairs.


Many, including Martha, would help get you started with how to find a film (we have several in our library that could be shown, and a budget to buy new ones), how to create and distribute a flyer, troubleshooting, etc.  

Films have been shown during the afternoon of the last Sunday of the month. If you have any wishes to share some of your concerns about peace related issues with our larger community, this might be the perfect chance for you to reach out. Your generosity will benefit all of us.

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