[GP-Eldorado-n] CAMEJO 4 GOV: Let Peter Debate October 7!

Diana Stauffer dianasum at directcon.net
Fri Sep 22 23:03:17 PDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rachel Odes" <rachelodes at gmail.com>
To: <Votecamejo at topica.com>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 4:53 PM
Subject: CAMEJO 4 GOV: Let Peter Debate October 7!

September 22, 2006

Dear Supporters,

The debate between Phil Angelides and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 
run-up to the November election promises to be a program the average 
California voter can fall asleep to. If Schwarzenegger has his way, he 
won't even have to defend himself in a REAL, non-scripted debate on 
October 7 in Sacramento. Instead, he can rely on the Hollywood 
production skills he's mastered throughout his long, mediocre career to 
craft as vacuous an image as possible, and then float into office on a 
raft of money.

But it doesn't have to be this way. There's a candidate who can 
challenge politics as usual in the debates, just like he did in the 2003 
recall debate where he broke new ground for progressive voices 
everywhere. Peter Camejo is that candidate, and he can help wake up 
California voters and make Phil and Arnold answer the questions we all 
want to ask them.

California voters want to hear Peter in the debates. They said as much 
in an independent poll conducted by the Mexican American Political 
Association that showed 63 percent of likely voters favor the inclusion 
of Green Party gubernatorial candidate Peter Camejo in any debate. 

We need to take action to LET PETER DEBATE. 

Please call and/or write to the CA Broadcasting Association*, who is 
hosting the Oct 7th debate. Ask them to include Peter in the debate, and 
make sure to mention that 63 percent of likely voters favor the 
inclusion of Green Party gubernatorial candidate Peter Camejo in any 

Also, call and/or write to your local media asking for Peter to be 
included in the debates. The voters have spoken; they want to hear a 
voice independent of the two corporate sponsored candidates. 

This is an urgent action request because the scheduled debate is only 
two weeks away. Your immediate action is needed to stimulate the debate 
organizers to include Peter Camejo. 

If we are successful we will hear Peter tell the truth about fair taxes, 
education, immigration, renewable energy, the failure of Three Strikes 
and the need for an immediate end to the war in Iraq, to the people of 
California on October 7. 

Thank you for your help. 
Jo Chamberlain 
Campaign Manager 

*California Broadcasting Association 
915 L Street #1150 
Sacramento, CA 95814 
infor at cabroadcasters.org 

This email was sent to: dianasum at directcon.net

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