[Marin-d] Fw: North Bay Region - Regional Resentaitve election results

david quinley david_quinley at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 24 08:45:37 PDT 2009

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tim Morgan <blkcloud at sonic.net>
To: Rlm3md at aol.com; david_quinley at yahoo.com; Napagreens at aol.com; Michael S Wyman <mswyman at comcast.net>; Jim Stauffer <jims at greens.org>
Cc: GPSCcoordinators at yahoogroups.com; Marnie Glickman <marnie at greenchange.com>; Lew Tremaine <lewtremaineiii at yahoo.com>; Larry Bragman <lbragman at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:22:54 PM
Subject: North Bay Region - Regional Resentaitve election results

Following our published election procedure,
the North Bay Election Committee Coordinators, Bob Moore (Napa), David Quinley
(Marin), and Tim Morgan (Sonoma), met this evening (June 23, 2009) at 7pm to
review the required 7-day period following the June 14, 2009 regional meeting
and election. The ECC has received no protests to the election as held and has
also received acceptance of the elected positions by the elected North Bay
Regional members. Therefore the ECC confirms the election of Lew Tremain as
Regional Representative, Larry Bragman as 1st Alternate, and David
Quinley as 2nd Alternate. They will serve the our region as representatives
to the Green Party of California Coordinating Committee (GPCA CC) for a period
of two years effective from June 14, 2009 until June 14, 2011.
We request that Mike Wyman, the out going Regional
Representative, please provide this announcement to the GPCA CC and that the
appropriate email lists and other info be updated. We also request that Lowell
Downey and Marnie Glickman (County Council members from Napa and Marin) ensure that the certification
of this result is passed to your respective counties.
With this notification, our term as ECC
members is complete.
Tim Morgan for ECC – North Bay
Note: I’ve provided the meeting


Subject: Notes from Regional meeting
and election results
party of  California, North Bay Region ( Napa,  Sonoma, Marin counties)
June 14  Time: 5-7 pm
Rancho Feliz Clubhouse; 6607 Redwood Dr. ;  Rohnert Park
Tim Morgan,
(ECC, Sonoma); Erica Martenson, (CC, Napa); Tim Smith (CC, Sonoma); David
Quinley, (CC, Marin); Bob Moore, (CC, Napa); Mike Wyman (Incumbent Regional Representative,
from Marin).
Meeting roles:
By consensus,
Mike Wyman selected as Facilitator, Bob Moore as Note-taker, Tim Morgan as
Vibes monitor
reviewed and amended, by consensus to remove the brief review of history of the
region and the California Green Party.
Election procedureswere reviewed for the group, based on the Regional Bylaws
approved in 2008.  This included a review of the roles and
responsibilities of the regional representative and alternates.
Discussion of
one area:  
Tim Smith
asked the group to consider the option of provisional ballots being allowed for
the regional representative.  Meeting attendees all presented their views
of this idea, which would require amendment of the bylaws.  David Quinley
agreed to discuss this with the Marin CC to see if there was any interest in
making this change to the Regional Bylaws. Tim Morgan indicated that although
he did not favor this, if David would put some proposal forward, Tim would work
on it with the Sonoma CC.
Per the
election procedures, the Green party membership of the attendees was certified
by one of the 4 criteria permitted in the bylaws, and the minimum quorum was
noted as being met.  
Nominationsfor the three positions open for election to a two year term were then
opened:  Regional Representative, Alternate Representative, and Second
Alternate Representative.
David Quinley
had previously submitted his statement and nomination for Second
Alternate.  He restated his interest and gave a brief statement, answering
questions from the group.
David then
nominated Lou Tremain for Regional Representative and Larry Bragman for
Alternate Representative.  They are both current elected officials, on the
city council of the city of  Fairfax.  They were both unable to attend,
due to the  Fairfaxfestival taking place this
weekend.  Tim Morgan stated that they had expressed interest in running in
an email in March through the list-serve, and that Marne Glickman had sent an
email indicating that they were interested in being candidates and that the
notices of the meeting/duties/ etc. had been sent to all the county lists of
which David confirmed that Lew and Larry are on that list.  No statements
were submitted by the two nominees.  David gave some additional information
about each nominee:  Lou is a environmentalist who is considering running
for governor as a Green Party member.  Larry  is a Lawyer, and former
Mayor of  Fairfax.  David stated that they are both
committed to their community and to the values of the Green Party.
The group
reviewed the bylaws and agreed that absentee candidates were allowed and that
the communication above met the minimum criteria for nomination to the Regional
Representative and Alternate representative positions.  There were no
other nominations.  
The group, by consensus, agreed to vote on the slate of nominees as a
group.  The group then unanimously voted to elect the three nominees to
their respective positions:
Tremain:  Regional Representative
Larry Bragman: 
Alternate Representative
Quinley:  Second alternate Representative 
For a term of
June 14, 2009 to June 14, 2011.
agreed that the election was fair, impartial, timely and in accordance with the
North Bay Regional Representative Alternate election procedure (called by
shorthand the bylaws elsewhere in these notes), and officially announced the
registered greens attending voted unanimously to certify the election.
The group
made a few recommendations:
	1. Since all three representatives are from one county (Marin), they bear a special responsibility to communicate with Napa and Sonoma counties on the activities of the GPCA CC.
	2. Tim Smith suggested a memo to Lou and Larry, summarizing their responsibilities and expectations.  Bob recommended that the expected summary of the monthly meetings on the List Serve be very concise, as the full notes are available on the state website.  Bob also recommended that the current and past Regional Representatives have a teleconference with the new Representatives to give them a history of the region and the GPCA CC and review their responsibilities.  
Post election procedures:
Bob will post
these send these notes to the attendees for review and changes, and accept changes
for up to 24 hours after the election.
The notes and
results of the nomination will then be posted to the NorthBay regional
Listserv, for the seven day period to allow anyone to contest the election.
The ECC will
meet in 7 days (Sunday, June 21 at 7pm) to review any statement of concerns and
resolve them, according to the bylaws.  The ECC will then inform the GPCA
CC and the County Councils of the election results.  
The next
required regional meeting for Regional Representative election will be in mid
Mike Wyman
thanked the ECC for their service.  The group thanked Mike for
facilitating and acting as Regional Representative, most recently.  The
group also thanked Tim Morgan for serving as Regional Representative for much
of the past year.
Discussion topics:  Tim Morgan reviewed the state of a discussion item
that the GPCA CC is considering:  regarding examining possible changes to
the GPCA bylaws regarding the selection and composition of the Coordinating
Committee.  A committee has been formed to review options, and bring them
back to the GA.  Members present discussed the implications of the various
options being proposed.  Tim Morgan announced that  the next GPCA plenary will be in Cotati on October 10th and 11th.  
Adjournment at
approximately 6:30pm
Submitted by Bob Moore, Note Taker
Per bylaws, all documents around this
election will be maintained for 12 months after the election.
North BayRegional Election Coordinating Committee
Robert Moore,  Naparlm3md at aol.com
David Quinley, Marin david_quinley at yahoo.com 
Tim Morgan,  Sonoma  blkcloud at sonic.net

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