[Sosfbay-discuss] So here is the problem

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Wed Nov 2 21:35:26 PST 2005

The national media has much more power than it should have to direct where our
national attention is focused. The same goes for the state level.

This week the national media has been focusing on:
The Death of Rosa Parks,
The Visit of Prince Charles and his lady.
The confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court.
Scooter Libby and the Senate in closed session.
The Iraq war.
The State Media is giving us a play by play analysis of Schwarzenegger vs. the

While all of this is occupying our attention, Congress is working on an "omnibus
budget reconcilliation package."  The media won't touch this story because eyes
roll to the back of the head as soon as you say the word 'budget'.

Meanwhile, this budget does some very funny things besides building a
multimillion $ bridge to nowhere except Alaskan Rep Con Young's relatives place.
 It implements policy decisions that no one ever voted on per se:

It cuts $60 Million from the District of Columbia Education Budget while
mandating that they spend $118 Million to purchase park land from the Federal
Government and brags about the federal revenue gain.

It provide more federal revenue by telling the Secretary of the Interior to sell
all land that has now or ever has had mining claims or operation on them, even
it the mine has been close for a hundered years and never had any gold anyway.
And, of course they brags about the increased revenue. It is too bad that most
of that land is in National Forests and Parks.

It provides for drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and
increases the area for offshore drillign to the Outer Continental Shelf...120

None of those are policy decisions that would pass if voted on by themselves,
but wrap them in a budget and who knows because no one is looking.  The senate
started to discuss this November 1, 2005.

I want what Bush wants, an up or down vote on ANWR.  I want an up or down vote
on Offshore Drilling.  I want an up or down vote on whether the District of
Columbia would really spend their money on bailing out the Feds or on education.

As Alex tells us, they are all a bunch of sneaky bastards.

"I find I have a great lot to learn – or unlearn. I seem to know far too much
and this knowledge obscures the really significant facts, but I am getting on."
-- Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Wesley C. Rolley
17211 Quail Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

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