[Sosfbay-discuss] Green Party Voting Positions?

Cameron L. Spitzer cls at truffula.sj.ca.us
Tue Nov 8 13:09:13 PST 2005

No by default.
Yes on 79.  It's a consumer/progressive advance.
Abstain on 77.  It's a joke.  Makes no difference.

Sorry, Andrea, no on 80.  "Direct access" is only for huge
industrial users.  The PUC is corrupt, no better than the
legislature, so giving them more power is not an improvement.
"Green energy" sounds good, but in power marketing it was
a no-effect branding gimmic.  Green Mountain Energy
was an Enron brand and buying your power from Enron instead
of PG&E didn't erect a single windmill.


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