[Sosfbay-discuss] Common Ground Collective. The Roadtrip to New Orleans

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Sat Nov 12 18:59:57 PST 2005

I am jumping the gun a bit on this Santa Clara County list.  The following is a
Press Release that will go out Monday AM in San Francisco and it being reworked
into a State Wide Release.
Monday, November 14, 2005

San Francisco Green Party

Press Contact: Susan King, 415-823-5524

Greens answer call for help, Caravan to New Orleans takes off this week

San Francisco -- Longtime activist and New Orleans resident Malik Rahim is
asking for help to rescue his community, and Green Party members in the Bay Area
and across the country are answering the call.

Working in collaboration with the Common Ground Collective, Green Party
members will be taking part in the "Roadtrip for Relief" caravan of volunteers
and supplies that will converge in New Orleans for Thanksgiving week.

Upon arrival, the volunteers will be assisting with the restoration and
rebuilding of the 9th Ward in New Orleans.  The project, which includes a
block-by-block clean up of the area, seeks to give hope to the displaced
residents of this primarily African-American community.

Green Party members, such as San Francisco Green Party County Council member
Susan King, have been instrumental in the organizing efforts.  Many Greens,
including former Green Party candidate for US Senate Medea Benjamin, Green Party
of California co-founder Hank Chapot, and local Green Party activist Vickie
Liedner will be a part of the caravan.

Malik Rahim, Common Ground Collective co-founder, prominent Green Party
leader, former Black Panther and well-known civil rights advocate is scheduled to
arrive in San Francisco this week to gather support for Common Ground's caravan
to New Orleans.

Various events are scheduled over the next few days to help raise funds and
promote the "Roadtrip for Relief".

These events include:

Tuesday, November 15
Hurricane Katrina Teach-In "Rebuilding on a New Foundation of Justice"
San Francisco State University, Jack Adams Hall in the SFSU Student Union
12 Noon until 10 PM

Keynote Malik Rahim and Curtis Mohammed at 7 PM
For more information about this event call 415-338-1413, or email
hed at sfsu.edu.
Katrina Teach-in schedule at www.sfsu.edu/~urbininst/katrina

Wednesday, November 16
Send-off Party for Bay to Gulf People's Pipeline to help rebuild New Orleans!
Studio Z Gallery, located at 314 11th Street
6 to 9 PM

Suggested donation: $10-100 sliding scale, no one turned away
This event is a celebration for the volunteers from the Bay Area who will be
leaving the following day for New Orleans.  Malik and other guests will be
speaking, and dancers, spoken word artists and local musicians will provide

Volunteers interested in joining the caravan may call 415-424-0977 or email
sfcaravan at mutualaid.org.

Donations are being accepted on an ongoing basis to assist the Common Ground
Collective.  Donation checks may be sent to:

Community Futures Collective/Common Ground Relief
221 Idora Avenue
Vallejo, CA  94591
"I find I have a great lot to learn – or unlearn. I seem to know far too much
and this knowledge obscures the really significant facts, but I am getting on."
-- Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Wesley C. Rolley
17211 Quail Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

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