[Sosfbay-discuss] San Jose Redevelopment

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Wed Nov 23 20:25:56 PST 2005

Am I a minoirty of one that gets queasy whenever the name Ron Gonzales
and the word development (or re-development) are used in the same
sentence. For those who still read the Murky News (it's readership
dropped 3% this year) Scott Herhold's Column from Nov. 6 kind of shows
you how it is done these days.

Here are two exerpts:
For several years now, the question among insiders at San Jose City Hall
has been whether we effectively have a one-man government. Not a
council-mayor system. Not a city manager -- legislative system. One man:
Joe Guerra, the budget and policy chief for Mayor Ron Gonzales.


But there's a principle here that's at the core of some of our problems
at City Hall. Politicians or their aides are throwing their weight
around early in the land-use process, sometimes for less than salutary
reasons -- campaign contributions, say.

But, If you want to read it all:


Living in Morgan Hill, we see an arrogant San Jose administration, led
by Gonzales, who is hell-bent for leather on building a "new city" in
Coyote Valley that day by day starts looking more and more like the
worst parts of the one they have. It coudn't be the influence of
developers...or could it?

"Anytime you have an opportunity to make things better and you don't, then you are wasting your time on this Earth" Roberto Clemente

Wes Rolley

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