[Sosfbay-discuss] Biomimicry

rob.means rob.means at electric-bikes.com
Sat Nov 26 22:59:01 PST 2005

Hi Folks,

Since Tian missed the Technology and Society Committee (TASC) meeting on
November 15, here the few notes I took.

Jeremy Eddy is an instructor of Applied Biology at California College of
the Arts, and has been working with the Biomimicry Guild
(www.biomimicry.net) for several years. Biomimicry (from bios, meaning
life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a new science that studies
nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to
solve human problems. The Biomimicry Guild helps communities and
companies consult nature to create products, processes, and policies
that are well-adapted to life on earth over the long haul. These
"biologists at the design table" offer research services, workshops, and
talks about the genius that surrounds us. 

Jeremy, one of the few people in this country who teach Biomimicry at
the college level, works with students in industrial design, graphic
design, and other applied arts, inviting them to explore nature's forms,
processes, and relationship strategies, and apply their observations to
solving contemporary design challenges.  Jeremy will give an overview of
the field of biomimicry, give examples of the kinds of problems that can
be solved, and explain why it is crucial that we explore biomimicry now.


Jeremy Eddy (415-425-5379, jerem at rocketmail.com) presented the concept
of Biomimicry with support from Lynne Sopcheck (spelling?).  He pointed
out the two most prominent designers who used biomimicry guidelines:
Leonardo Di Vinci and Buckminster Fuller.  After emphasizing that
biomimicry uses the wisdom of nature to help solve design problems,
Jeremy pointed out the three major levels/areas of current study: forms
and shapes, processes, and systems (or relationship strategies).

Jeremy presented a long list of human/industrial forms and shapes that
have been adapted from nature, starting with the most famous - Velcro -
and included new swimsuits with material like sharks' skin and sports
shoes that have the rigidity and flexibility of Armadillo shell.  

The process of photosynthesis is being used in the research phase of a
new type of photo-voltaic panel which promises much higher efficiency
than the current silicon type.

Two good sources for biomimicry concepts and conversations are:

Jeremy finished with the 10 themes or biological rules that govern the
interactions of organisms that coexist in a common habitat, a.k.a
ecosystem dynamics:
(  http://www.biomimicry.net/eco_dynam.html  )

1. Consider waste as a resource.

2. Diversify and cooperate to fully use the habitat.

3. Gather and use energy efficiently.

4. Optimize rather than maximize.

5. Use materials sparingly.

6. Don't foul our nest.

7. Don't draw down resources.

8. Remain in balance with biosphere.

9. Run on information.

10. Shop locally.

Rob Means, Electro Ride Bikes and Scooters
408-262-8975   rob.means at electric-bikes.com
1421 Yellowstone Ave., Milpitas, CA 95035-6913
Discover cycling that's Easy, Safe, Fast - and FUN!

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