[Sosfbay-discuss] Feinstein supports spying without warrants?

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 5 16:44:17 PDT 2006

I know Feinstein is not our friend, but this is ridiculous.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CA Residents: Tell Sen. Feinstein to Just Say "No" to
Warrantless Government Spying
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 16:05:20 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Anthony D. Romero, ACLU" <action at dcaclu.org>
Reply-To: "Anthony D. Romero, ACLU" <action at dcaclu.org>
Organization: ACLU
To: gerrygras at earthlink.net

  >From the Desk of Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union
Take Action! Tell Senator Feinstein to Just Say "No" to
Warrantless Government Spying

Dear Friend,

Your help is urgently needed. Senator Feinstein has recently suggested
she might favor changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
(FISA) that would authorize government agents to read our e-mails and
listen to our phone calls without any individualized finding by a
court that there is probable cause to believe a person is engaged in

Two bills, S. 2453 and S. 2455, have been introduced in the Senate
that would basically ratify the president's illegal National
Security Agency (NSA) domestic spying program. Both bills would fail
to ensure that the public learns how many Americans have had their
phone calls or e-mails captured or analyzed by the NSA, and would let
the Bush administration off the hook in many other ways

Call Senator Feinstein now at any of the numbers below:

Washington, D.C. (202) 224-3841
Los Angeles (310) 914-7300
San Francisco (415) 393-0707

Ask that she not support or co-sponsor S. 2453 and S. 2455,
legislation that would effectively change the law to allow the spying
to continue.

For more information and talking points for your call, go to
action.aclu.org/feinstein.  And forward this message to
your friends!

Senator Feinstein's support of these bills would end much of the
congressional debate about President Bush's failure to follow
the Fourth Amendment and FISA when he ordered the NSA to spy on
American citizens without getting warrants.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution specifically prohibits this
kind of government intrusion into our private lives. Senator Feinstein
must uphold the Constitution and not allow the government to spy on
American citizens without probable cause.

Take action!  Tell Senator Feinstein that there must be checks on
government surveillance of American citizens:


Or to read more about this issue before taking action, visit:


Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
American Civil Liberties Union

P.S. As always, we appreciate it when you log the results of your call
with us

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