[Sosfbay-discuss] monthly GP of Santa Clara Co meeting MOVE

Cameron L. Spitzer cls at truffula.sj.ca.us
Sun Apr 30 14:37:57 PDT 2006

Hi folks,
Last month we almost moved the monthly business meeting
from Banjara in Sunnyvale to the San Jose Peace Center.

SJPC is on the 22 bus line.  It's a seven block walk
from light rail.  There's a kitchen, and inexpensive
carry-out (Mexican, Vietnamese, Chinese...) nearby.
Free parking after 6 in the garage at 4th and San Fernando
a few blocks away.  There's Internet access; you can
bring your laptop with wifi or an Ethernet cable.

We got hung up choosing a meeting night.  Tuesdays
the Open Space initiative is meeting.  The rest of
the week is open.  But nobody returned Jim's email
survey of meeting night preferences.

So I decided to make it easier.  Please go to
and check the boxes for the nights that are good for you.
It just takes a minute.  If you don't do it,
we're still stuck at Banjara, where beers cost $4.50 - $8.50.



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