[Sosfbay-discuss] Now for something completely spiritual!

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 16 08:39:59 PDT 2006

> JamBoi <jamboi at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   While not specifically presented as 'Christian' this has more in
> common
> with Jesus' The Christ's teachings than any Dominionist
> Reconstructionist ever will. Check it out!
> http://www.positivepause.com/en/

--- Bob Alavi <baalavi at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thank you.  
>   That reference seems to point to a different source than bible.  
>   Love and Peace (that the reference seems to promote) were never
> even being disputed. They have an innate and eternal power that
> stands on its own regardless of "bible". 
>   The Biblical edicts resulting in "non-loving", non-peaceful", 
> violent acts were being depicted.
> Thanks again,

This goes back to what I was getting at in my discussion about
Dominionism.  While not directly evoking the words of Jesus (from the
Bible), the link I shared closely maps to Jesus'(Biblical) teachings
and its exactly what you will NOT FIND IN DOMINIONISM as I was saying
earlier.  What could possibly be more 'biblical' and 'Christian' than
the words of Jesus, The Christ himself???  Yet Dominionism though it
purports to be 'biblical' and 'Christian' focuses almost all its
scriptural energy/authority on the Old Testament and not-Jesus parts of
the New Testament bible and even then takes an extremely literalistic,
cramped and cribbed, out of cultural, historical and even textual
context interpretation of biblical proof texts to justify its
Anti-Christ (anti-love and anti-peace) doctrine.

If one closely examines the alleged quotes of Jesus in the New
Testament Bible one finds the vast proponderance of his teaching is
precisely about Love and Peace.  This is eminately 'Biblical'.  Actual
Christians (though not true of Dominionists) interpret all of the
biblical, scriptural text in the light of these teachings of Jesus'. 
Jesus' pivotal teaching in the New Testament is that humanity 1) Love
God w/ all their heart, soul, mind and strength and 2) Love our
neighbor as ourselves.  A prominent theologian has said that next to
that teaching the entire rest of the Bible needs to be seen a merely
'footnotes.'  So you see that for the Christian, nothing could be more
'Biblical' than Jesus The Christ's laser-beam-like focus on Love and
Peace.  This intensely illuminates the vast gulf between the followers
of Jesus (ie. Christians) and the worshippers of power in recast in
twisted 'Biblical' idolatry (what I call bibliolatry or Dominionism).

The name 'Christian' actually means 'little Christ' (ie. little messiah
or little Jesus) and was first used as a term of derision towards
disciples of Jesus who were sharing about Jesus' way of Love and Peace
by defenders of the older domination structured society and religion
who were feeling threatened by this upstart faith.  The Way as the
followers of Jesus called it before this (originally meant as
pejorative) term 'Christian' was embraced by were said to be 'turning
the world upside down' by their radical acts of Love and Peace.  Their
new faith in Jesus' doctrine of "love God" and "love your neighor as
you love yourself" as embodied by their new style of 'Servant
Leadership' so challenged the societal order (political and religious -
which were married at the time in a type of what we might call
'theocracy') that the rulers felt the strong need to suppress the
faith.  Radical Love and Peace.  

So to summarize even though it doesn't directly qute the Bible this
link is far more representative of and faithful to the bible, Jesus'
teachings and Christianity than Dominionism could ever hope to be.

A Million Votes for Peace!


Jammy The Sacred Cows Slayer

"Live humbly, laugh often and love unconditionally" (anon)

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