[Sosfbay-discuss] New Year countdown clock

Roy thinkgreen at threeparty.org
Tue Jan 3 10:33:11 PST 2006

alexcathy at aol.com wrote:
> The only countdown that really matters is the months, weeks, days, 
> hours, and minutes until the end of Bush's term.
>   Having said that, I am nevertheless prepared to publicly declare that 
> if the Democrats nominate another pain-in-the-ass "moderate" like 
> Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008 I'll be right back in the streets 
> campaigning for our Green Party candidate. Even five years of "Dubya" 
> and two years of Arnold have not changed my opinion of clueless 
> Democrats one bit.
>   Alex 
> _


I'm curious, what Democrat(s) who you would campaign for? Since 9-11
it's quite obvious to me that except for a few exceptions they are all
supporters of empire and the ignorance and arrogance of privilege. Hell
I knew it before 9-11 but didn't think it was as bad as it actually is.



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