[Sosfbay-discuss] Tian for Senate Announcement

TNHarter at aol.com TNHarter at aol.com
Thu Jan 5 16:39:38 PST 2006

Late last year I found myself wondering what I could do to dramatically
bring attention to the fact I don't like the way we are involved with an
oil war in Iraq. I decided to throw my hat into the ring as a Green Party
Candidate for US Senator. The time had come for me to see what I can 
do with the soapbox that comes with the path to the ballot box.

I started by making a flier and handing out copies at the Statewide Green
Party meeting. Since then I have made myself a candidate website at
http://tianharter.org and begun working on how to do this in a real way. 
The main issue is going to be "our fuelish ways", but I'm also going to 
bring to light something about the relationship between corporate
responsibility and grass roots participation in public debate via my photo
blog and walking my talk.

Last Friday I went down to the Registrar of voters and took out papers as
a candidate. My first signature gathering stop was San Francisco's Critical
Mass ride that day. Now I'm looking for other places to gather signatures.
I'm seeking endorsements, speaking opportunities, money, and any other
thing that you think might help. For example, if you know an artist that
would donate a good interpretation of "DON'T BE FUELISH, VOTE FOR TIAN"
for my new campaign sticker, I'll do my best to decorate California with it.

If you can help with this in any way, I would be so grateful. My most
immediate need is to gather about 98 more signatures from California
Green Party members, and even one from you would be appreciated.
Please let me know at tnharter at greens.org.

Tian Harter
Now gathering signatures to get on the ballot
as a Green Party Candidate for U. S. Senator.
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