WB4D23 at aol.com WB4D23 at aol.com
Mon Jan 30 17:43:14 PST 2006

Here is a message from/about the two  petitions for initiatives to increase 
the California minimum wage.  I am  expecting to get petitions.  Tim Smith, who 
is advocating the $7.75 per  hour version (but not the $8.75 per hour) 
initiative, has proposed an  orientation session on Saturday, February 11th.  I 
emailed that information  to the joint SC/SM County Council email list and got 
zero/nada/no  response.  Warner
In a message dated 1/25/06 5:58:14 PM Pacific Standard Time,  
jaredl at sbcglobal.net writes:

(Please Forward Widely)
Supporters of social justice,
Californians for Fair Wages, a statewide coalition of progressive  activists, 
has come together to campaign for a higher statewide minimum wage,  indexed 
yearly to inflation to keep up with cost of living increases. There  are two 
versions of this initiative; one raises the minimum hourly wage to  $7.75 over 
one year, with yearly adjustments for inflation thereafter. The  other version 
raises the minimum hourly wage to $8.75 over two years, with  yearly 
adjustments for inflation thereafter. By working to qualify both of  these initiatives 
for the ballot, we preserve all of our options for winning  something tangible 
for workers this November.
We now have petitions ready to circulate -- anyone eligible to register  to 
vote in California may circulate these petitions. If you are interested in  
helping us gather the hundreds of thousands of signatures needed to bring  
millions of Californians closer to a living wage, or finding out more about  what is 
involved, please contact us immediately. People are going to be eager  to 
sign this petition, so the key is having enough volunteers to reach out to  the 
overwhelmingly supportive public. You may contact myself, Jared Laiti, at  
707-792-2381 or _JaredL at sbcglobal.net_ 
(http://us.f812.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=JaredL@sbcglobal.net)  regarding both initiatives,  Tim Smith at 
707-206-0260 or _Rioryon at aol.com_ 
(http://us.f812.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=Rioryon@aol.com)  regarding  the $7.75 initiative, and Cres Vellucci 
_civillib at cwnet.com_ 
(http://us.f812.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=civillib@cwnet.com&YY=58916&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a)  and Pat Driscoll _pat at sonicfrog.com_ 
=date&pos=0&view=a)  regarding the $8.75  initiative. If you can't gather 
signatures yourself (or even if you can!),  please consider making a financial 
contribution to our efforts -- _http://www.cafairwage.org/pages/contribute.html_ 
(http://www.cafairwage.org/pages/contribute.html)  .
Together we can make a difference for California's workers!
Californians For Fair Wages
FPPC Number: 1276193
1710 Broadway  #144, Sacramento CA 95818
Phone: (916) 484-5888 _www.cafairwage.org_ (http://www.cafairwage.org/)   
The following organizations are sponsors of the CFW  campaign:
Green Party of California
Peace and Freedom Party ($8.75)
Mexican American Political Association ($8.75)
San Francisco Democratic Central Committee  
Wellstone Democratic Club  
Code Pink  
Living Wage Coalition of Sonoma County
Sacramento UNITE
People United for a Better Sacramento ($8.75)
If you know of, or participate in, an organization that might consider  
endorsing this effort, please see _http://www.cafairwage.org/pages/endorse.html_ 
(http://www.cafairwage.org/pages/endorse.html)  .
In Solidarity,
P.S. Though the CFW campaign is an all-volunteer effort, there are also  paid 
petitions that can be circulated simultaneoulsy that we can give you  
information about.


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