[Sosfbay-discuss] Meeting Minutes - July 6 - Draft #1

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 8 16:36:22 PDT 2006

Here is the first draft of the minutes for Thursday's meeting.
There are some noticable gaps, please help me fill them in.


Minutes of the July 6, 2006 Business Meeting of the GPSCC
7:38 PM - 9:45 PM

Warner Bloomberg
Jim Doyle
Andrea Dorey
Fred Duperrault
Tim Fitzgerald
Gerry Gras
Drew Johnson
Cameron Spitzer
Jim Stauffer
(plus one more, I don't know his name)

Facilitator: Cameron
Notetaker: Gerry
Timekeeper: Drew
Vibeswatchers: everyone else

1. Treasurer's Report (Cameron)
    - transfer from Adam not yet completed
    - balance unkown

2. State Party Business
    Plenary Report (Jim S., Cameron, Warner, Fred)
       - general agreement it was better than normal
       - 2 new active counties (Kern and San Benito)
       - Election Code was approved
       - labor (platform?) passed
       - most bylaw proposals failed
       - Mitch was affirmed as Regional Rep
       - no one elected to be Alternate Regional Rep
    Next Plenary (Jim S.)
       - at South Lake Tahoe Sep. 9-10 (only 9 weeks away)
       - need to select delegates at next meeting

3. Old Business
    Tabling (Jim D.)
       - found 2 more farmer's markets
       - 4th July Event
          - revenue of $108, cost $225
          - 12 registrations
          - moved a lot of flyers
       - there will be an immigrants rights march on Labor Day
    Fundraising Report (removed from agenda)
    Literature Needs (Jim D.)
       - need more candidate info
    Planning Meeting
       - scheduled for July 22nd, 1-4 PM
       - location - Warner's home - 867 North 5th St.,  San Jose

4. New Business
    Organizing Proposal (Warner)
       [I can't understand my notes]
    Rejoin Pro-Choice Coalition (Gerry)
       - we used to be members, but membership has lapsed
       - the question is do we want to rejoin
       - 2 questions were asked that need to be answered
    Picnic Details
       - Sunday August 13th
       - Uvas Canyon County Park
       - This is a potluck social occasion.
       - Time - to be determined
    Additional CC Members (Jim D. and Gerry)
       - it would be good to have more members
       - apparently no one interestes at this time
    Non Violent Communication (NVC) (Drew)
       - explanation of NVC
       - NVC would benefit the Green Party

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