[Sosfbay-discuss] Santa Clara County's Million Votes for Peace Campaign

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 24 00:30:33 PDT 2006

In order for Todd Chretien (Senate v DiFi), Peter Camejo (Gov), 

# Carol Brouillet: U.S. House of Representatives
# Donna Warren: Lt. Governor
# Forrest Hill: Secretary of State
# Mehul Thakker: Treasurer
# Mike Wyman: Attorney General
# Larry Cafiero: Insurance Commissioner

to achieve their "Million Votes for Peace" campaign, I'm looking at
Santa Clara's numbers and thinking we'll need about 130,000 votes in SC
county.  An extremely ambitious target, but I observe that many things
can happen between now and the election time, so one really can never
now what will happen.  I say we put that number right out before us and
see what we an do with getting serious about rallying around this
campaign.  We can use it to boost our county numbers up again!


Jammy The Sacred Cows Slayer

"Live humbly, laugh often and love unconditionally" (anon)

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