[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: Notes From the Trail - A Call For Worldwide "Up-Wising"]

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Wed Jul 26 00:49:35 PDT 2006

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Notes From the Trail - A Call For Worldwide "Up-Wising"
Date: 	Tue, 25 Jul 2006 20:43:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	Steve Bhaerman <info at wakeuplaughing.com>
Reply-To: 	info at wakeuplaughing.com
To: 	tnharter at ispwest.com

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The Thin Line Between War and Genocide...
A Call For a Worldwide "Up-Wising"
July 25, 2006

by Steve Bhaerman

Here’s the problem with war: It’s always justified. So let’s get it out 
of the way right now. The Israelis are justified for wanting to secure 
their borders from rocket attacks and homicide bombers. The Palestinians 
are justified in not wanting to live in refugee camps under the thumb of 
an occupying army. With the war fully “justified,” all sides then take 
the “logical” step of justifying whatever actions are necessary to win. 
Inevitably, every war starts out as a “just war,” and ends up as ... 
just war.

So here we are again, round 5,736,428 of that self-destructive habit we 
humans just haven’t been able to shake. And in this shrinking world that 
could definitely use a good shrink, this time the dysfunctional pattern 
and its deadly fallout is more in our face than ever -- and will be 
until we turn the corner and find an alternative that works. Because as 
it stands right now, the “right” to make war (and the “might” behind the 
right that gives war its “punch”) is the bottom line every country holds 
to “when all else fails ... “

But then again, why wait till all else fails? Why not initiate the war 
against the enemies who have vowed to kill you, and save all that grief 
at the other end? Consider that the enemies of Israel have declared 
their intention to put Israel out of existence. It’s not a big stretch 
at that point to pick up the gauntlet and intone, “Not if I put you out 
of existence first.”

And so, out of a combination of disheartenment with the peacemakers and 
manipulation by the war-makers, the Israeli people -- and, 
unfortunately, many Jewish people and others who support Israel’s right 
to live in peace -- have fallen in line with this latest military 
escalation. Yes, it was in “response” to Hezbollah’s capture of 
soldiers. But like our own Iraq misadventure, the invasion of Lebanon 
(by leaders still trying to prove their macho credentials, something 
Ariel Sharon didn’t have to do) has been in the planning stages for some 
time. A pro-Israel demonstration held in San Francisco (and many other 
American cities) this past weekend blindly reinforced the belief that 
this latest attack was necessary for Israel’s survival. But those who 
showed up to support Israel, and the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel 
counter demonstrators all missed the point: War isn’t the solution, it’s 
the problem.

Scientific Proof That War is Stupid!

The evolutionary step before us is to finally rise above the “dueling 
dualities” and see that despite our grievances and disagreements, the 
one universal enemy we humans face is war itself. God -- whoever He or 
She is -- must have a hell of a sense of humor. Why else would our most 
deadly and inhuman human habit be playing out for all to see in what is 
ironically called “The Holy Land?” The not-so-funny part of this is that 
the area once called “the cradle of civilization” could very well become 
its grave unless a critical mass of us create the moral authority and 
political will for the healing that not only is possible, but necessary.

The first issue we must face is that there is no peace without justice. 
Justice provides the balance that keeps the toxic forces in any region 
at bay. Justice is never a zero-sum, I win-you lose game. Never. Another 
name for the zero-sum game is genocide, no matter how sophisticated the 
spin. And the more fear-driven and threatened a people feel, the more 
willing they are to tolerate the other side’s human losses. Look at us 
here in America. Deluded by fear and misinformation, there’s been nary a 
peep about those tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians who died at the 
hand of shock and awe and its aftermath.

The biggest problem in the Middle East right now isn’t Israel or even 
the Islamist crazies. The biggest problem -- as the late F.D.R. would 
tell us if he were around -- is fear itself. I’ve been working on a book 
with cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton (/The Biology of Belief 
and in the process, I’ve come to respect the wisdom of the 50 trillion 
cell community we call the human body. In fact, all indications are that 
our cells are smarter than we are. One of the things I’ve been learning 
is the effect fear has on the body. When the body goes into fight or 
flight, blood leaves the frontal lobe and goes to the “reptile brain,” 
which is what we use for quick, “instinctual” reactions. The problem is, 
we lose access to our higher reasoning powers and greater intelligence. 
Put bluntly, fear makes us stupid. So no need to wonder why the more 
entrenched we get in a conflict, the more irrational our actions become.

Another powerful message from the body to the body politic: The 
precursor for malignancy is -- very often -- prolonged inflammation. 
This would indicate that the way to contain the malignancy in this “hot 
spot” is to reduce the inflammation. Unfortunately, the whole world 
seems to be playing one side or another, which does nothing to douse the 
flames. Despite Kofi Annan’s call for a ceasefire, the U.N. has neither 
credibility or clout. Meanwhile, the United States -- once an 
almost-congruent broker for peace in the region during the Clinton years 
-- has devolved into just another self-serving party with zero moral 
authority. Despite the propaganda that we are in Iraq to keep the peace, 
our move to secure the oil fields first and tend to the safety and 
security of the Iraqi people last would seem to indicate that we are 
there to keep the pieces instead. Even those who supported the invasion 
now have to admit that the Iraq occupation has fanned the flames of 

If we the people of America insist on staying stupid, we will continue 
to either blindly back Israel’s military policies or take the other 
simplistic position that Israel is the villain and if we let the Arabs 
push it into the sea, everything would be ducky. What we might do 
instead is hearken back to the words of a military man, something that 
was said even before another general, Dwight D. Eisenhower, warned us to 
beware of the military industrial complex. The military man was Marine 
Corps Gen. Smedley Butler, and his words were blunt: “War is a racket 
Butler, whose other claim to fame was exposing a plot 
for a military takeover of the United States during the early days of 
the Franklin Roosevelt administration, had served in several imperial 
wars and in World War I. He understood that war in the modern world is a 
huge moneymaking operation that creates death and debt at the expense of 
everything else.

The other “secret” of war is that it is ultimately unwinnable. Sure wars 
are technically “won,” but they end up reincarnating as new wars to 
rebalance the imbalances created by the so-called “victory.” I am 
reminded of a key line from the 1980s film, War Games. Literally they 
are talking about tic-tac-toe, but metaphorically they are talking about 
war: “There is no way to win. The game itself is pointless!”

Time for a Worldwide “Up-Wising”

So, in the light of the game not only being pointless but suicidal as 
well, what do we do? First, we must understand that our leaders cannot 
help us. We have a party in power that insists we must squelch the 
enemy, and the enemy is anyone they designate as such. We have a party 
out of power that is secretly afraid the party in power may be right. 
There is a persistent mindset that war is “necessary” or even 
“inevitable.” Consciously or unconsciously, the majority of Americans 
still think of war or threat of war as synonymous with “foreign policy.”

Secondly, we must recognize that the so-called “peace movement” sadly 
suffers from a similar lack of imagination. When I was in Washington in 
May for the Spiritual Activism Conference, I joined four people I 
greatly respect -- Cindy Sheehan, CIA whistle blower Ray McGovern, Code 
Pink’s Medea Benjamin, and David Swanson of After Downing Street -- on a 
march up Connecticut Avenue to Donald Rumsfeld’s house. All in all, 
there were 30 or 40 of us complete with police motorcycle escort and a 
megaphone where we shouted chants and occasionally sang songs. Despite 
the fact that a few passersby joined the march along the way, it was 
ultimately a dissatisfying experience.

As we marched by shouting slogans (which haven’t changed much in 40 
years), I experienced us as a polarizing force, repelling people who 
otherwise could have been allies. What I would have given for a 
Dixieland band leading the procession with “When the Saints Go Marchin’ 
In,” so that we would have been a “positive attractor” affirming that 
the saints were marching for peace, not war. When we got to the Rumsfeld 
compound, we found a gaggle of counter-demonstrators waiting for us so 
now we had people to shout at directly. And vice versa. I snuck “behind 
enemy lines” to have a conversation with a teenaged girl who probably 
does this regularly as part of family outings. I was able to draw her 
into a human-to-human conversation, but ultimately she took refuge in 
spouting her “tape recorded” message.

So ... how do we get the resources for peace to mobilize beyond the 
“don’t-just-stand-there-do-something” habit to where the something we do 
is actually more effective than just standing there? Here is my immodest 

1. Establish Moral Authority for Peace.

2. Activate the Department of Peace Now.

3. Go Over the Heads of State By Starting at the Bottom.

4. Declare a NEW New World Order.

5. Set Love in Motion Through Prayer and Celebration.

*1. Establish a Moral Authority for Peace.* Both Tikkun’s Rabbi Michael 
and the Sojourners’ Rev. Jim Wallis 
have very recently spoken out articulately for the need to identify war 
itself as the enemy to be overcome. Please read their pieces and 
circulate them whenever someone sends you a polarizing piece about how 
“right” one side or the other side is. Both sides are “right” in having 
grievances, both sides are “wrong” in fearfully falling back into 
warfare as the solution.

*2. Activate the Department of Peace Now.* Everyone wants peace, but 
almost everyone goes along with war. Why is that? Because not enough 
people trust -- or are even aware of -- the alternatives. That’s why 
when push comes to shove, the result is generally more pushing and 
shoving. In addition to the multitude of international organizations 
that have diffused conflict and worked for reconciliation, we have right 
here and right now in our country an organization dedicated to 
establishing a U.S. Department of Peace, the Peace Alliance. 
Until now, their focus has been establishing the a cabinet level 
department. As of now, I would suggest, their focus and mission need to 
change into BEING the Department of Peace de facto until it exists “in 

This organization can gain credibility and leverage by taking on the 
mission of creating a worldwide, non-governmental Peace Summit, and 
begin immediately communicating with people “on the ground” everywhere. 
For example, Global Exchange 
is already sponsoring U.S.-Iran citizen communications and tours. This 
should be the launching pad for regular communication with the people of 
Iran (and every other country whose government we’ve demonized). This 
can be done by email, snail mail, DVDs, telephone and video 
conferencing. The millions and millions worldwide who came out for peace 
before the Iraq invasion are still out there, more convinced than ever 
of war’s futility. Let’s find them and create a worldwide matrix that 
can enable the vast majorities of all peoples who want to live in peace 
to “overgrow” their governments who do not.

Incidentally, another excellent resource both for mutual communication 
and for activating high-level solutions is the World Café 
model. Developed by organizational consultants Juanita Brown and David 
Isaacs, the model has people from divergent views and backgrounds 
sitting together at tables of four, having a conversation about the 
issue or issues at hand, then moving on to do the same thing at other 
tables with other people. Using this model, every individual can be 
heard and the group can access a “field of wisdom” that allows 
“ordinary” folks to come up with extraordinary solutions.

*3. Go Over the Heads of State By Starting at the “Bottom.”* Since peace 
apparently cannot be achieved from the top down, we have to do it from 
the “bottom up.” Those people on the ground in Israel, the West Bank, 
Lebanon, Iraq and every other country in that afflicted area, what do 
they want? Has anyone asked them? My guess is that the bottom line at 
the “bottom” -- once we’ve seen behind the pseudo-solutions that involve 
killing or repressing someone else -- is some variation on “peace, 
prosperity and mutual respect.” Even the most militant Islamic 
fundamentalists -- if not the leaders than the followers -- would in the 
best possible worlds prefer life to martyrdom. So what would have to 
happen for them to “choose life?”

Perhaps the Peace Alliance, along with other international peace 
organizations, can actually facilitate these surveys on the ground. 
Perhaps too a website could be set up -- similar to the Sorry Everybody 
site that popped up after the Bush re-selection -- where people “on the 
ground” in this war zone can offer their visions for a peaceful world 
that would be worth living into. What if there were a consensus on the 
part of 70% or 80% or 90% of regular people on all sides that they 
wanted a solution that didn’t involve more killing? For one thing, it 
would show that they outnumber the 10% to 30% who stand in the way. For 
another, it would provide the political authority for international 
intervention to give them what they’re asking for.

*4. Declare a NEW New World Order.* All sides are right wanting to be 
safe and free. All those who think war will guarantee this are mistaken. 
The one thing war surely guarantees is more war, and the only “war to 
end all war” is, unfortunately, armageddon. Therefore, we religious 
folks and not-religious-but-spiritual folks must declare our intention 
to create “disarmageddon,” a worldwide transparent rule of law and 
justice -- a NEW new world order, if you will. Because the other 
“rapture” -- at least as it’s been defined by those “Left Behind” people 
-- is a death trip for planet Earth, a sure indication that we humans 
earned an “F” in works-and-plays-well-with-others. So let’s expose the 
insanity of looking forward to the human race flunking its Finals. Let’s 
leave behind the Left Behind folks and proudly declare ourselves 
“evolutionists” by going for evolution as a practice.

Let’s take a cue from Bill Maher’s “Real Time” TV show and initiate “New 
Rules” -- new rules for ruling the planet. For one thing, we must 
hearken back to our Founding Fathers who held the outrageous notion that 
it was our political leaders who serve us, and not the other way around. 
And this time, let’s take the revolution an evolutionary step further 
and recognize that in this New New World Order, we’re all in it 
together. This evolution requires a Declaration of Interdependence 
(several have been attempted including those below):
Declaration of Interdependance 
another Declaration of Interdependance 
and another Declaration of Interdependance 

Once we come up with one which guarantees individual rights, collective 
security, care for the commonwealth and enforceable and transparent 
justice, perhaps we then need to ratify this, community by community, 
province by province, country by country. Only individual human cells 
working together -- just as a few colonists stood up to the King of 
England 230 years ago -- can give the world what our governments and 
so-called leaders cannot.

Above all, during these soul-trying times, we need to refrain from 
polarization and demonizing other points of view. As much as “war” is 
the common enemy, so is the kind of polarization that leads to 
intractable positions. I lost a friend last year -- a brilliant and 
tireless advocate for peace. No, he didn’t die. He “excommunicated” me 
from his communications list. I had objected several times to blatantly 
anti-semitic (not anti-Israel even, but anti-semitic) diatribes imbedded 
in his otherwise cogent comments. His response was that “tribalism” was 
killing the planet, and I needed to disavow any association with my 
“tribe.” When I wouldn’t do that, he wrote me off.

It’s only been in the past few weeks -- again as a result of my working 
with Bruce Lipton and seeing the remarkable lessons our cells can teach 
us -- that I’ve found the answer to my ex-friend’s issues. Just as 
“communities” of similar cells in the body comprise an “organ,” so each 
nation or “tribal” group has a positive function, a contribution to the 
whole that is theirs alone to make. Our healing mission? To help every 
tribe and nation is to find its contribution “hidden in this picture.” 
Put another way, which organ are we willing to banish from the body?

*5. Set Love in Motion Through Prayer and Celebration.* At a time when 
we need it most, we humans seem to have lost our faith in faith. One of 
the most inspiring and courageous people of faith I’ve met recently is 
David Ray Griffin, author of two books which question the Official 9/11 
Myth (The New Pearl Harbor 
and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions 
as well as a new book, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call 
to Reflection and Action 
David has written several books on “Process Theology,” a system that 
emerged after World War II in answer to the question, “How could a 
loving God have allowed the Holocaust to happen?” His very, very short 
answer is this: We, as creations of the Creator, have free will to 
choose how and what we create in this life. This very often results in 
what we call "evil." On the other hand, our greatest power as human 
beings is to bring that loving God to earth by creating good instead. In 
other words, the loving power of God is in our hands if we choose to use 

Commenting about the bombing of Lebanon, Marianne Williamson 
has said in a recent article, “The world needs a miracle, and needs it 
now.” The “miracle” we need is not in the invisible hands of an 
invisible God, but rather in the “field” we humans create with our 
intentions -- and our actions. Let’s not underestimate these intentions, 
because that’s where actions come from. And even holding intentions 
together in worldwide configurations is an action that may hold 
unpredictable positive consequences.

If we can do nothing else, let’s create a worldwide web of prayer -- not 
just solemn mourning, but joyful celebration of the world we know is 
possible -- and let’s make it visible and audible in every city, town 
and community. Let’s create an ecumenical space, inviting all who 
recognize there is One Spirit bigger than any religion. Let’s use 
already-existing prayers and let’s invent new ones to make real through 
word, vision and imagination the world we know in our hearts is 
possible. Let’s unite the traditional religious groups who pray for 
peace with the new age worldwide peace meditations, and let’s have them 
simultaneous and worldwide. Let’s include those who don’t pray by asking 
them to simply hold positive, loving intentions.

Let’s disturb the false peace of numbness and apathy. Just as Paul 
Revere rode through the dark night to awaken the townsfolk with a shout 
and a bell, let the church bells ring. “Ring them bells,” as Bob Dylan 
sings, “so the world will know that God is One.” Let the bells ring 
until it is clear that momentum has shifted toward a world where we’re 
all in it together, and then let the bells ring some more to celebrate 
that shift.

We haven’t been brought to this point so the forces of fear, ignorance, 
greed and limitation can claim the destruction of the world as their 
“victory.” May this be the turning point where the good people of the 
world stop playing weak and stop playing stupid, where we take our 
God-given power and use it to serve the will of Loving Spirit. May life 
prevail, and may only love prevail.

May the FARCE be with you,

Steve Bhaerman
(707) 525-0711


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