[Sosfbay-discuss] CA Primary Results - 6/6/06

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 7 11:54:10 PDT 2006

Information from


(Final unofficial results.)


General Voting Statistics:

15,668,439 Registered Voters
  4,388,827 Ballots Cast
      28% turnout


Green Party Statewide Results:

Governor   - Peter Camejo  - 26,210
Lt. Gov    - Donna Warren  - 24,348
Sec. of S. - Forrest Hill  - 24,801
Contoller  - Laura Wells   - 25,027
Treasurer  - Mehul Thakker - 24,326
Atty. Gen. - Michael Wyman - 24,257
Ins. Comm. - Larry Cafiero - 24,082

U.S. Senate
      - Todd Chretian - 9,964
      - Tian Harter   - 8,245
      - Kent Mesplay  - 3,724
                            - 21,933


Green Party Congressional Races:

District 1  - Pamela Elizondo  - 2,376
District 5  - Jeff Kravitz     -   522
District 8  - Kristine Keefer  - 2,050
District 14 - Carol Brouillet  -   887
District 21 - John R. Miller   -   183
District 28 - Byron De Lear    -   167
District 29 - William Paparian -   378


Green Party State Senate:

District 4  - Robert W Vizzard -   927
District 18 - Matthew Rick     -   271


Green Party State Assembly:

District 4  - Gerald M. Fritts -   382
District 6  - Cat Woods        -   950
District 12 - Barry Hermanson  -   789
District 34 - David M. Silva   -   130
District 44 - Ricardo Costa    -   203
               Philip Koebel    -   132
District 53 - Peter L. Thottam -   296


NOTE: Of course it is hard to compare numbers
between different races.  But just in case,
remember there are
- 53 Congressional Districts
- 40 Senate Districts
- 80 Assembly Districts


Additionaly info from


Green Party U.S. Senate

TODD CHRETIEN   418 39.62%
TIAN HARTER     414 39.24%
KENT P. MESPLAY 184 17.44%
         Total 1,055


NOTE: this map shows who "won" the various counties:


Tian won more counties than Todd did.  And Tian's color
is Green, Todd's color is blue.


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