[Sosfbay-discuss] SRI show of "innovative renewable energy" in Menlo Park today!

Andrea Dorey andi at wrytor.com
Tue Jun 13 06:59:12 PDT 2006

  Go to www.threelabs.com to see the innovative technology locations!
Los Alamos, Lawrence Berkeley, and Lawrence Livermore are the  
locations cited, and you can bet your britches that the new  
technology is nuclear related.
This is NOT innovation, this is the same ol' same ol' back to haunt  
and destroy us residents who live within 100 miles of their development.
We need to watch and then protest as soon as we know for sure what's  
going on.

SRI is having an open house TODAY at their Menlo Park location,
333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, 94025.

They are nearby Sunset Magazine, between 101 and El Camino, in case  
you can make the 8:30 to 11 AM Expo.


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