[Sosfbay-discuss] minutes of 11-2-2006

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 7 09:37:49 PST 2006

  Minutes of Thursday November 2, 2006 Meeting
Green Party of Santa Clara County

Attendees: Cameron, Drew, Fred, Jim, Tian, Warner
Pro forma: Facilitator, Note Taker, Timekeper – Jim Doyle; Vibes Watcher 
– Tian
Announcements: Drew volunteered to join the county council. Bylaws 
require an
Appointment to be followed by approval at a general meeting.
Current council to make the appointment and present for approval at next 

Flowers and a greeting card for Dana St. George authorized. A book was
suggested as an alternative to flowers. Jim D. to follow through on this.

Tian has reserved the community room in the apartment complex where
He lives for an election night party. He requested that one person arrive
Early while he brings the snacks and refreshments.

Re Holiday Peace Fair: a full table was authorized, Warner will table but he
Needs transportation. Other details to be worked out, i.e., Jim D. is to ask
For more volunteers and to arrange for transport of tabling materials as 
As the required raffle gift and dessert item. Suggested gift: Camejo book,

Campaign and election day Activities in the next days Friday – Tuesday
Precinct walking for Tian, tabling – Fred in Mountain View, Palo Alto
Also suggested. Fred will be at a football game with a large poster.

Treasurer’s report: has access to funds in the bank, has funds to reimburse
Earlier printing costs and expenses of the Camejo event.

Re IRV successes in Oakland and Davis and efforts elsewhere: Warner
Pointed out that the approach to take is to form a coalition that would
approach the county supervisors and the registrar of voters with a proposal
To use IRV in specific elections, e.g., special elections in San Jose.

Re talks, video showings, or presentations at sessions other than the
Business meeting Fred, Drew, and Jim are to get together the weekend
After the election to set something up.

Minutes by Jim Doyle

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