[Sosfbay-discuss] Next big project

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Sun Nov 19 22:19:34 PST 2006

Now that Pombo is retiring to the ranch (though I suspect we have not 
heard the last of him... his uncle is a County Sup. in San Joaquin 
County)... I have moved on to the next project. 

I am firmly convinced that the most important ecological issue in N. 
California at this time involves the Delta.  I would like to call 
everyone's attention to a relatively new web site called Restore the 
Delta <http://www.restorethedelta.org/>.  This is not 100% finished, but 
it is good enough to let you understand what Restore The Delta is as an 
organizatio, and what they are working on.

The way that they are approaching things is better than most.  For 
example, they have the CEO of the Stockton Chamber of Commerce as one of 
the management committee.  They are working to find solutions that 
protect the delta while still allowing enough water to be drawn out for 
agriculture.  What that means, in the long run, is that there will not 
be any large increases in flows to S. California as long as the 
political will is there to exert that degree of control. 

I would ask all of you to take a little time and browse the Restore the 
Delta site.  I intend to contribute to the effort.  I also intend to 
support it through some of the same processes we used with the Pombo 
effort.  Independent of the campaign, we organized an entire tree of 
interested activists who wrote letters to various editors, who organized 
demonstrations, etc.  In this case, we need to both educate the public 
and to put pressure on current office holders, from Congress, to the 
Guv, to various Country Supervisors, etc.

Anyone want to go along for the ride?


Wes Rolley		 
17211 Quail Court	
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

"Happiness is to be fully engaged in the activity that you believe in and, if you are very good at it, well that's a bonus." -- Henry Moore

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