[Sosfbay-discuss] e Got Great Coverage on TV Last Night - Getting Video on Web

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 4 08:18:24 PDT 2006

Greetings Greens,

KTVU Channel 2's Loyd La Cuesta
http://www.ktvu.com/station/1849425/detail.html  did a very favorable
live report last night on their 10pm newscast!  Awesome!  Now how about
us getting that clip up on the web???  I (and I think Carol) got it on
VHS, but I don't have a good way to convert it.  Below are several
services that we could pay to get that clip.  I suggest we spend the $$
and get it up on the web ASAP!!!  Maybe GPCA could help us with this
since it would be beneficial to our whole party.  Cameo got coverage
(despite not making it), so maybe his campaign would chip in some $$.

The report had footage of Cameo (yes, despite not being there),
Chamberlin, Chretien, Hill, Wyman, Brouillet, Harter.  Hard hitting
material!  Great quotes from Chamberlin, Brouillet, Wyman and Chretien
in particular. (Wells didn't make the clip unfortunately :-(   )

I counted 56 attendees last night and we brought in something like
$650.  The real payoff for us would probably be in getting this video
and the one that Roy took up on the web.  There was also an Austrian
crew there and a web site reporter (and when I have URLs for them I'll
post them).  All in all a great event!  Good for us!

A Million Votes for Peace!


Q: I saw myself on one of your newscasts. Can I obtain a copy of the

A: KTVU does not provide tapes or transcripts of its news programming
to viewers. (Commercial program producers should check our guidelines
regarding sales policies and procedures.)

For viewers interested in buying a copy of a news program for personal
use, there are companies that do sell such tapes. They are not
connected directly, indirectly, or financially with KTVU/Fox 2. These
companies set their own rates for this service. KTVU/Fox 2 has no
control over their business practices.

Here are some companies providing dubs of KTVU/Fox 2 newscasts.

Original Video 510-865-2103
News Duplicating Service   925-946-9856
Multivision 800-560-0111
Videowatch 415-381-0176
Video Monitoring Service   415-543-3361

Jammy The Sacred Cow Slayer

"Live humbly, laugh often and love unconditionally" (anon)

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