[Sosfbay-discuss] getting the word out

Sam Rafter gyral at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 7 18:15:33 PDT 2006

Thanks for the message about the bike signs!  It inspired a potentially useful

One way to raise voter awareness might be through KPFA.  They announce that if
your non-profit organization volunteers to staff the phones during the pledge
drive they will credit your organization on the air.  I don't know if there are
limitations on political organizations, but KPFA listeners seem to be a good
demographic to go after.

I've read people on this list have contact with various media organizations. 
Has anyone investigated the feasibility of such a ploy?  I was going to pass
this idea along to the Camejo organization, since they're based in the Oakland
/ Berkeley area already, and could probably get staff on the phone, but if this
a known bad idea I'll stop distributing it.

Thanks for reading!


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