[Sosfbay-discuss] Fred's email addy, Re: Newsletter Party

Cameron L. Spitzer cls at truffula.sj.ca.us
Tue Sep 19 10:53:21 PDT 2006

The domain name freeshekk.org isn't registered.

So you could try fredd at freeshekk.org but it would bounce.
The correct domain name would be freeshell.org.

Freeshell is a "public access unix system."  They've
been around for a long time.  You send them a dollar
to validate your account, and after that you have to
log in every three months (pulling your email doesn't count)
to keep the account alive.  For $35 one time you get
a more powerful account.  Either account comes
with a mailbox you can get at through your email
program or their Web-mail, a shell on a big unix cluster,
and Web hosting.  It's the kind of account students
used to get at a university, before computer literacy
went out of style.


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