[Sosfbay-discuss] Video Tape the Oct 3, MGPCC Event?

Fred Duperrault fredd at freeshell.org
Wed Sep 27 15:15:50 PDT 2006

Here's a quick query for you folks with free opinions:

How valuable would it be to have a video taped record of the GPCA 
speakers on Oct 3?

Would we, the GPSCC, or the GPCA have a good enough reason to ask Roy 
Harrison to tape the speakers part of the event?  (If he does the work, 
we would, in the least, pay any of his costs.)

Please respond to this with some brief pros and/or cons that would help 
in making a decision on whether or not to ask Roy to record the event, 
or part of the event.

I'll forward this to  votecameo at topica.com and info at camejo.com.

With ears, and eyes,  wide open,


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