[Sosfbay-discuss] Dennis Kucinich

Fred Duperrault fredd at freeshell.org
Sun Apr 1 00:29:37 PDT 2007

I met and heard Dennis Kucinich and his wife  talk today at a Palo Alto 
fund raiser.  He's taking on the whole Democratic Party with his Green 
like platform: No funds for advancing the war;  "Single Payer Health 
Care" ;  IRV;  No Attack on Iran;  Honor the Nuclear Non-Proliferation 
Treaty and rid the world of all nuclear bombs;  Reparations for the 
destruction of Iran, but not by contracting American corporations; 
Returning control of Iraq's oil to Iraq; Organizing  multinational  
assistance for Iran by replacing American with UN elements if requested 
by Iraq; and Possibly calling for impeachment at a strategic time.

Also heard Chris Hedges, author of "American Fascists: the Christian 
Right and War On America," describe how the Christian Right 
fundamentalist movement, with the cooperation of many allies in all 
three branches of government and the corporate world, is gaining ground 
toward its desire to make the United States a theocratic, fascist 
nation.  He really berated the U.S. two party system and placed the 
blame for Bush's presence in the White House strictly on the Democrats.  
His defense of  Nader was very strong.  He too, sounded much like a 
Green or a Socialist.

The approximately 200  people who attended, applauded him vigorously.  
There were about 25 people in line to buy his book.

Fred D.


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