[Sosfbay-discuss] We are already having monthly events - hello!!!

Cameron L. Spitzer cls at truffula.sj.ca.us
Sun Jan 7 12:08:52 PST 2007

For a couple of years I led monthly day hikes in the Santa Cruz
Mountains, an informal Green Party event.

I stopped doing it because I didn't have the energy to do the
promotion and carpool organizing.

We've done two kinds of day hike.  The first kind is
a stroll for an hour or two.  People try to pack it into
a day when they are doing their usual weekend errands.
It's harder to find a place where an hour on the ground
is worth the three hours of carpooling and fiddling
around, but it's accessible to a lot more people.

The second kind really takes all day.  You get going
as early as you can manage, have lunch in the woods,
get out by dinner time really hungry, and more often
than not have dinner together in the town nearest
the trailhead.  You sleep really well that night and
wake up a little sore but thoroughly refreshed, and you
get pictures worth showing your friends.  These are
a lot harder to organize because most people can't
get away from city and civic life for a whole day,
and some people really can't walk five miles or climb
a thousand feet.  You need sturdy shoes and thick socks.

I'd be glad to start doing both kinds again if I could get
someone to work with me on the organizing.

Right now is the season to be doing "peak climbs."
The air is clear and you don't get overheated.
We have Mission Peak in Fremont, Nibbs Knob in
Uvas Canyon, Sand Point Overlook in Forest of Nicene
Marks for day trips.  Amazing views from all of them.
Several good short strolls along Skyline Drive and
on the south San Francisco Bay.
February through May is the time for redwood forests
and wildflowers.  A sunny day in a forest after
several days of rain works all your senses.  You can
smell the forest floor making new soil.  You can
practically hear things growing.  Stellers jays and
butterflies follow you around and the bugs aren't bad.
Life in the sprawl is crazy-making.  These trips
will keep you sane.


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