[Sosfbay-discuss] BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Says "I'm in"

Bob Alavi baalavi at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 20 12:40:40 PST 2007

In line with what you noted, ...
  Before the Iraq-Afghan wars, I could have considered voting for ... even voting for Elizabeth Dole, let alone Hilary, just because I felt the US has been way overdue for a woman president.
  No one, and I mean it -- NO ONE - who voted for these wars, under the false pretenses as we all know (and I firmly believe THEY KNEW EVEN BETTER THEN when voting), deserves to receive any rewards.  
  My honest opinion may be summarized in:  "after about 1,000,000 casualties what shoud they receive in punishment"? (GIVEN THAT SADDAM was tried and hung [by basically the lackeys of the same bunch] for having killed 148 Shiites...  Yes, only 148.  Repeat: only 148.  
  Remember: mass murder of Kurdish and Iranians as well as the use of WMDs, including use of American Supplied Chemicals, were NEVER at issue in his trial.  The day after he was hung, the lackeys said "okay, there are these issues too, but since the culprit is dead ... CASE CLOSED! ).  Everyone, [especially those who voted for appropriation of these wars] knew fully well that negative ramifications of those issues at a trial may have revealed ugly operating aspects of the "US & allies" which they would have never wanted exposed to the world community.

alexcathy at aol.com wrote:
  Dear Green Friends, 
  Breaking News: Hillary Says  “I’m in …” 
  Frankly, I was kind of hoping she wouldn’t go for it.  Why does everybody who is somebody in American politics have to run for president?  
  She has just been easily reelected to a cushy six-year term as U.S. Senator from New York.  Isn’t it enough of an honor to be a United States senator?  (I wish they’d let me warm one of those seats)
  Some will say “Alex is just a kool-aid drinking True Believer” but honestly, after years of watching these Democrats thrash about from my vantage point in the big "Blue" state of California,  I don’t regret my decision to register with the California Green Party one little bit.  
  I predict Hillary will be disaster.  Clinton and Obama will be basically going after the same people – not radicals or lefties or serious activists, mind you – but the same group of bullshit Establishment “neoliberals.”  Notice how most of the article below is devoted to their fundraising among rich liberals in (where else?) New York and Hollywood!  Hillary already has a huge war chest and it says here that both Hillary and Barrack want to raise $75 million this year.  
  $75 million in 2007?  
  For what? 
  The election isn't until November 2008!     
  And I don’t know where this thing comes from about the Clintons being so great for African-Americans.  That’s a total crock!  As an African-American Green I consider it my personal responsibility to blow the whistle on that!  
  These guys are going to end Republican cronyism and incompetence?
  I don't think so!  
  Most importantly, we will never get a serious debate about our issues because the one and only issue will be Hillary through a very long and very dreary recapitulation of all that irrelevant crap about all those Clinton shenanigans from the 1990s. 
  I predict Hillary is gonna be a disaster, and thus, another opening for Greens.  We are truly going to be the ONLY alternative to the pay-to-play politics of the Democrats and Republicans.   
  Alex Walker 
  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =
  Posted on Google News -- 37 Minutes Ago 
  by Patrick Healy  
  The New York Times 
  January 21, 2007 
  Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton jumped into the 2008 presidential race yesterday, immediately squaring off against Senator Barack Obama and the rest of the Democratic field in what is effectively the first Democratic primary, the competition for campaign donations.
  “I’m in,” Mrs. Clinton said in an e-mail message to supporters early yesterday morning. “And I’m in to win.”
  If successful, Mrs. Clinton, 59, would be the first female nominee of a major American political party, and she would become the first spouse of a former president to seek a return to the White House.
  Her entrance into the race followed Mr. Obama’s by less than a week, and highlighted the urgency for her of not falling behind in the competition for money, especially in New York, where the battle has already reached a fever pitch.
  George Soros, the billionaire New York philanthropist, has made maximum donations in the past to both candidates, for instance, and last week he faced a choice: support Mr. Obama, who created his committee on Tuesday, or stay neutral and see what Mrs. Clinton and others had to say. In his case, the upstart won. Mr. Soros sent the maximum contribution, $2,100, to Mr. Obama, the first-term senator from Illinois, just hours after he declared his plans to run. 
  “Soros believes that Senator Obama brings a new energy to the political system and has the potential to be a transformational leader,” said Michael Vachon, a spokesman for Mr. Soros.
  Mrs. Clinton’s presidential operation is only one day old, but she already finds herself in a breakneck competition against Mr. Obama for fund-raising supremacy in two towns that she and her husband have mined heavily for political gold: New York and Hollywood. Mr. Obama’s entrance into the race has also put up for grabs other groups that are primary targets for Mrs. Clinton, including African-Americans and women. 
  At this early stage in the nomination fight, securing donations and signing up fund-raisers are among the best ways of showing political strength in a crowded field (seven Democrats and counting). And Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are looking to raise at least $75 million this year alone
  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =

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