[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: Industrial Hemp Film TONIGHT on PBS!!]

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Tue Jul 3 11:29:00 PDT 2007


*"Standing Silent Nation," a New Documentary Film about the Lakota's 
Efforts to Grow Industrial Hemp, Premiers on PBS's P.O.V. on Tuesday, 
July 3* *- on KQED at 10pm; Repeats July 7 at 4AM.*

Alex White Plume and his extended Lakota family, or tiospaye, are known 
on South Dakota's Pine Ridge Reservation for the determination and 
industriousness with which they have faced the hard economic choices 
imposed by history and reservation life. Undeterred by poor soil and 
uncertain weather on their land, the White Plumes planted alfalfa, 
barley and corn and raised horses and buffalo, all of which brought the 
family little better than a subsistence life and continued reliance on 
government subsidies. Still, the family was resolved to achieve economic 
self-sufficiency, thus preserving the Lakota traditions and bonds that 
sustain the identity of family and tribe.

After much research, and under Alex's leadership, the family planted 
industrial hemp, the non-psychoactive relative of marijuana. As Alex 
discovered, the world is in the midst of a boom market for hemp 
products. The demand is no less in the United States, even with this 
anomaly: Hemp products can be sold here, but growing hemp is a felony. 
Alex didn't aim to challenge the logic of the federal government's drug 
war; he believed that tribal sovereignty allowed him to plant hemp as 
surely as it allowed Native Americans to build and run casinos 
elsewhere. He was wrong.

"Standing Silent Nation" Discussion Guide 
P.O.V. offers discussion guides for all of their films. You can download 
this guide and use it to gain tips on how to develop productive 
conversations using the film.

"Standing Silent Nation" Lesson Plan: /Debate U.S. Government Policy on 

This lesson plan is designed to be used in conjunction with the film. It 
explores U.S. policies related to hemp, as well as the relationship of 
the U.S. government to indigenous nations.

The Many Facets of Hemp 

Watch an interview with former CIA director James Woolsey and the 
original trailer from filmmakers Suree Towfighnia and Courtney Hermann 
to learn more about this versatile crop.

"Standing Silent Nation" Official Web Site 

Check out the official Web site to learn more about the film and its 

www.votehemp.com <http://www.votehemp.com>


Leslie Bonett

Measure Z Commissioner, City of Oakland



Latest change: SF Agent Orange Press Conferance pictures and words.
BTW: If you are free and around, come to my party on Saturday the 7th!

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