[Sosfbay-discuss] 15 Congress Members for Impeachment

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 12 04:02:38 PDT 2007

15 Congress Members for Impeachment
Submitted by davidswanson on Wed, 2007-07-11 14:08.

By David Swanson

Congressman Sam Farr (D., Calif.) is the latest member
of Congress to respond to intense pressure from his
constituents and co-sponsor H Res 333, articles of
impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. The
official list of co-sponsors at thomas.loc.gov
includes 11 names, plus the original sponsor
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D., Ohio). That makes 12.
In addition, Congressman Bob Filner (D., Calif.) has
said he will sign on, and has said so publicly in
media interviews including this one:

That makes 13, or 14 with Farr. Then there is
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D., Ill.) who has not
signed onto H Res 333 or introduced his own articles
of impeachment against Cheney or Bush, but who
recently released this statement:

"In her first weeks as leader of the Congress, Speaker
Nancy Pelosi withdrew the notion of impeachment
proceedings against either President Bush or Vice
President Cheney [actually she did that 8 months
earlier, and Jackson began parroting her line right
away, but who's counting]. With the president's
decision to once again subvert the legal process and
the will of the American people by commuting the
sentence of convicted felon Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, I
call on House Democrats to reconsider impeachment
proceedings. Lewis Libby was convicted of lying under
oath to cover up the outing of active, undercover CIA
agent, Valerie Plame. It is beyond unthinkable that
the president would undermine the legal process to
protect a man who engaged in treason against the
United States government, threatening the security of
the American people. In November's election, voters
put Democrats in charge of Congress because they
believed our pledge of oversight and accountability.
Now it's time for us to honor that pledge. The
Executive Branch should be held responsible for its
illegalities. Our democratic system is grounded in the
principle of checks and balances. When the Executive
Branch disregards the will of the people, our
lawmakers must not be silent. Today's actions, coupled
with the president's unwillingness to comply with
Senate and House inquiries, leave Democrats with no
other option than to consider impeachment so that we
can gather the information needed to achieve justice
for all Americans."

If Jackson signs onto H Res 333, there will be 15

Sam Farr represents Santa Cruz, California, the first
city in the country to have passed a resolution
demanding impeachment. Santa Cruz city council passed
that first resolution in 2003, and passed another in
2006. Santa Cruz is also home to COIN (Coalition for
Impeachment Now) led by local organizers Sherry
Conable and Louis LaFortune. Following Santa Cruz's
lead, a total of at least 79 towns and cities have
passed resolutions demanding the impeachment of Cheney
and / or Bush: http://impeachpac.org/resolutions-list

Of all the polling companies in the United States,
only one has ever polled, and only once, on whether
Americans want Cheney impeached. 54 percent of
Americans and 76 percent of Democrats said Yes.

Counting Farr and Jackson, a total of 3 percent of
Congress Members and 6 percent of Democratic Congress
Members have taken the position shared by over
three-quarters of Democrats, 51 percent of
Independents, and 17 percent of Republicans around the

Meanwhile, Cheney's popularity has reached a record
low, with 13 percent of the country in favor of his
performance. And that figure actually comes from May,
prior to the most recent few scandals and exposed
abuses of power:

What will it take for Congress to act? The majority of
the people want it, and the least popular Vice
President in history can't be all that intimidating,
can he? Isn't it time we started intimidating him?

People from around the country are headed to
Washington on July 23rd to find out whether pressure
from the citizens of this republic counts for anything
anymore: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/24450


JamBoi: Jammy, The Sacred Cow Slayer
The Green Parties' #1 Blogger

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