[Sosfbay-discuss] by-law re regional rep to GPCA CC

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 29 13:08:59 PDT 2007

The county council has worked out the following draft
of an amendment to the by-laws of GPSCC.

It is to be discussed at next Thursday's business meeting, July 5-th.


9.1   Representation on the statewide coordinating committee is on a 
regional   basis. Regional representatives and alternates to the 
statewide       coordinating committee are elected biannually for a 
nominal two year term    that expires at the end of the term at which 
time the seat will remain    open until a new election is held.  The 
election will be announced on       email lists at least 15 days in 
advance and the announcement will be an       agenda item.

9.2 Declaring Candidacy
     Candidates shall announce their availability on the email lists of 
the county councils of the region prior to the administrative meeting at 
which a vacancy or replacement is considered.

9.3 Candidate Presentations
     The administrative meeting will have agenda items for the 
candidates to       present themselves, to describe their goals, and to 
answer questions.

9.4 Decision
     Approval of a representative will be a decision item at the 
administrative    meeting following the one at which the candidates made 
their presentations.

9.5 Regional Coordination
     A candidate must be approved by the several counties of the 
region.  If       different candidates are approved the decision(s) 
shall be retaken by the   counties until agreement is reached.

9.6 Regional Balance
     The regional representative and the first alternate regional 
representative shall be      from a different county as far as 
candidates are   available.

9.7 Replacement
     A regional representative or an alternate regional representative 
may be      replaced using the same process for selecting a regional 
representative or       an alternate regional representative.

9.8 Expiration of Article 9
     The process for the selection of regional representatives to the 
statewide       coordinating committee shall lapse whenever regions are 


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