[Sosfbay-discuss] Lorna Salzman on Chris Hedges

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Thu Mar 1 11:54:32 PST 2007

Mark Lause wrote:

>JamBoi wrote, "its simply a fact that we are in the post Nader era of the
>Green Party.  I've spent major amounts of time with Greens all across the
>country and taken the temperature and there is simply no interest in
>nominating someone who doesn't even want to be nominated and who doesn't
>want to join and help build up the Green Parties. Nada."
>If I may interject, there are two considerations that really shouldn't be
>counterposed.  First, you want the widely-known person you can run who will
>do the principles justice.  Second, you want someone who will use the
>campaign to build the party as a whole.  Intentions and rhetoric aside, in
>2004, those who supported Nader got one and those who supported Cobb got
>neither.  The result left the Green Party much worse after 2004 than after
You are right that who our Presidential candidate is has a lot
of impact. However there is ebb and flow in all things, and there
are other markers to consider. For example, just now on the radio
I heard a spot for skiing at Alpine Meadows where they bragged
about running on "100% green power". That didn't come from any
Presidential Candidate. It came from three or four decades of
grass roots activism.

Last evening I was reading the national Green Pages, their rag
about how the Greens are doing in various states. The big win
for 2006 came from Illinois, where the Candidate for Governor
got 10.3% in the fall election. That was a tenth of a point behind
the guy in New Mexico that 10.4% so many years ago. That wouldn't
have happened if Cobb had really been bad for the Green Party.

Yeah, a good Presidential candidate does a lot to grow interest
in the Green Party. When we can get one it's a big boost. However,
I'd rather have a party hack than someone with no interest in
building a grass roots political Party.

>We need to focus less on old grievances and more on what's doing what's the
>best for the Green Party.
Can I offer you an organic blue corn chip to dip in the guacamole
I made from a farmers market avocado? (I still think that's a great
blue/green image...)

Latest change: Added, low on the page, a picture of a Montana quarter.

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