[Sosfbay-discuss] Impeachment Now Imperative: Paul Craig Roberts: Domestic Spying Revelations Make...

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 21 14:41:16 PDT 2007

Paul Craig Roberts: Domestic Spying Revelations Make Impeachment Now
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 14:45:40 -0500

Paul Craig Roberts: Domestic Spying Revelations Make Impeachment Now
Posted by mrspickles on March 20th, 2007

 While serving as President Bush's White House lawyer, Alberto Gonzales
advised Bush that the president's war time powers permitted Bush to
ignore the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and to use the
National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on US citizens without obtaining
warrants from the FISA court as required by law. Under an order signed
by Bush in 2002, NSA illegally spied on Americans without warrants. 

By spying on Americans without obtaining warrants, Bush committed
felonies under FISA. Moreover, there is strong, indeed overwhelming,
evidence that justice was obstructed when Bush and Gonzales blocked a
2006 Justice Department investigation into whether Gonzales acted
properly as Attorney General in approving and overseeing the Bush
administration's program of spying on US citizens. 

Also at issue is whether Gonzales acted properly in advising Bush to
kill an investigation of Gonzales' professional actions with regard to
the NSA spy program.

We are faced with the almost certain fact that the two highest law
enforcement officials of the United States are criminals.

The evidence that Bush and Gonzales have obstructed justice comes from
internal Justice Department memos and exchanges of letters between the
Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), an
investigative office, and members of Congress. The documents were
leaked to the National Journal, and the story was reported in the March
15, 2007, issue by Murray Waas, who also relied on interviews with both
current and former high ranking DOJ officials. 

Ten months previously on May 25, 2006, Waas broke the story in the
National Journal about the derailing of the OPR investigation. [
Internal Affairs |Aborted DOJ Probe Probably Would Have Targeted
Gonzales By Murray Waas, National Journal March 15, 2007]

A criminal political administration has no choice but to keep everyone
on a short leash in order to keep its illegal acts under wraps. 

Americans have never experienced an administration so replete with
crimes as the Bush Regime. 

This criminal regime must now be brought to an end. Impeachments of
Bush, Cheney, and Gonzales, 
followed by felony indictments and trials are imperative if the rule of
law in the United States is 
to be preserved


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