[Sosfbay-discuss] today's vote on H.R. 353

Curt Wechsler wechslertoo at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 23 13:00:44 PDT 2007

> Democrats' attempt to cut off Impeachment discussion and keep war going
for their own political purposes (to continue using war against Republicans
right up to elections w/out "owning" it themselves) :
> exerpt from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20070323/us-iraq :
> Pelosi, and her leadership team spent days trying to convince members
that the bill was Congress' best chance of forcing Bush to change course _
an argument that was aided when they added more than $20 billion in
domestic spending in an effort to lure votes.
> They got a breakthrough Thursday when four of the bill's most consistent
critics said they would not stand in its way. California Democrats Lynn
Woolsey, Diane Watson, Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters said they would help
round up support for the bill despite their intention to personally vote
against it because it would not end the war immediately.
> "Despite my steadfast opposition, I have told the speaker that I will
work with her to obtain the needed votes to pass the supplemental, but that
in the end I must vote my conscience," said Rep. Diane Watson, D-Calif.
> ... members said Pelosi was able to convince liberal members of her
caucus that the legislation was their best shot at challenging Bush on the
war even if it fails to become law.

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