[Sosfbay-discuss] Al Gore as Green Party Candidate?

Fred Duperrault fredd at freeshell.org
Fri Mar 30 12:58:54 PDT 2007

I doubt very much that Gore would run as a Green. However, he might 
possibly "keep it on the table" to develop leverage with which he could 
influence the Dem. candidates to commit to stronger stands on fixing 
global warming and maybe support for single payer health care and IRV - 
we hope.

The Democrats would immediately throw the "spoiler" issue at him and 
condemn him as a fellow traveler with Ralph Nader.

He might even use the threat to get promises for an appointment as 
Secretary of the Interior.

My crystal ball says that he could get 15% - 25% of the vote as a Green 
- enough to tip the scales.

Get your checkbooks out, maybe.


Rob Means wrote:

>The obvious campaign line is:
>     Elect Gore President - Again!
I think if Gore ran as a Green he wouldn't get elected, but
A WHOLE BUNCH of Americans would realize that all is
not well in the two party system. Would that change it?

Latest change: Added wildflower and natural vista pictures from hike.

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