[Sosfbay-discuss] The Movement to Impeach Bush/Cheney May be Unstoppable

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Fri May 4 22:57:51 PDT 2007


May 3, 2007 at 07:51:08

The Movement to Impeach Bush/Cheney May be Unstoppable

by Len Hart 

Just recently one may have despaired that Bush would
get away with murder. There seemed little hope of
impeaching him despite his crimes, despite the growing
dissatisfaction with his missrule. That Bush lived in
the White House mocked the very idea of responsible
and democratic government.

What a difference a few weeks have made. Topping the
news was Bush's veto of the military appropriation's
bill. Everyone expected it. Not expected was the
effect it's had. Bush, who takes false pride in being
"resolute" may have thought his veto would put the
Democratic majority in Congress on the defensive and
shift the agenda back to the White House.

It didn't work out that way. The real effect is two
fold: The White House must now play ball with Congress
(the Democrats) if it hopes to get a bill at all.
Secondly, Bush is seen to have played politics with
the lives of American troops. Never had this point
been spelled out more forcefully and more dramatically
than in the following letter from one of the
"commanders" that Bush likes to say he listens to but,
in fact, doesn't give a damn.

General Eaton's Letter to President Bush on Veto

    May 1, 2007

    President George W. Bush
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear Mr. President,

    Today, in your veto message regarding the
bipartisan legislation just passed on Operation Iraqi
Freedom, you asserted that you so decided because you
listen to your commanders on the ground.

    Respectfully, as your former commander on the
ground, your administration did not listen to our best
advice. In fact, a number of my fellow Generals were
forced out of their jobs, because they did not tell
you what you wanted to hear -- most notably General
Eric Shinseki, whose foresight regarding troop levels
was advice you rejected, at our troops' peril.

    The legislation you vetoed today represented a
course of action that is long overdue. This war can no
longer be won by the military alone. We must bring to
bear the entire array of national power - military,
diplomatic and economic. The situation demands a surge
in diplomacy, and pressure on the Iraqi government to
fix its internal affairs. Further, the Army and Marine
Corps are on the verge of breaking - or have been
broken already - by the length and intensity of this
war. This tempo is not sustainable - and you have
failed to grow the ground forces to meet national
security needs. We must begin the process of bringing
troops home, and repairing and growing our military,
if we are ever to have a combat-ready force for the
long war on terror ahead of us.

    The bill you rejected today sets benchmarks for
success that the Iraqis would have to meet, and puts
us on a course to redeploy our troops. It stresses the
need for sending troops into battle only when they are
rested, trained and equipped. In my view, and in the
view of many others in the military that I know, that
is the best course of action for our security.

    As someone who served this nation for decades, I
have the utmost respect for the office you hold.
However, as a man of conscience, I could not sit idly
by as you told the American people today that your
veto was based on the recommendations of military men.
Your administration ignored the advice of our
military's finest minds before, and I see no evidence
that you are listening to them now.

    I urge you to reconsider your position, and work
with Congress to pass a bill that achieves the goals
laid out above.


    Major General Paul D. Eaton, USA, Retired

There is also the statement by Maj. Gen. John Batiste.

    The President vetoed our troops and the American
people. His stubborn commitment to a failed strategy
in Iraq is incomprehensible. He committed our great
military to a failed strategy in violation of basic
principles of war. His failure to mobilize the nation
to defeat world wide Islamic extremism is tragic. We
deserve more from our commander-in-chief and his

    --Maj. Gen. John Batiste, USA, Ret.

Why will we, the people, impeach George W. Bush?
First, we are sovereign, not Bush, a fact Bush never
mastered. Bush works for us, not the other way 'round.

Secondly, Bush violated a trust that is as sacred as
possible in a secular society. That is the trust given
him by a free electorate. That Bush does not care
about those values is the most compelling reason he
must go. By refusing to investigate the events of 911,
Bush broke with precedent established with Pearl

What did Bush have to fear if the official conspiracy
theory involving a conspiracy of middle eastern
terrorists was correct? Since when are crimes not

In the next several weeks, possibly months, when
Articles of Impeachment are drawn up, specific charges
against Bush will be made public. Bush's crimes will
prove to be not merely political, they will include
charges of a criminal nature.

Bush will be impeached because he made of us a fascist
nation. He is, at his hollow core, an anti-American
"President" who despises Democracy and prefers a
dictatorship. Real Americans find this notion
repugant, hateful and despicable. Clearly, Bush did
not come to power because he understood the people.
Rather, he was appointed by an elite cabal with
intricate connections to the Military/Industrial
complex warned of by President Dwight Eisenhower.

Following are some of the characterisitics of a
fascist state:

        * The truth is revealed once and only once.

          Bush would have us believe that he was
appointed by God. It doesn't matter whether Bush
sincerely believed himself on a divine mission. I
could not worship any "God" who would appoint Bush his
        * Parliamentary democracy is by definition
rotten because it doesn't represent the voice of the
people, which is that of the sublime leader.

          This is related to the above characteristic
of fascism. A fascist leader, a "Fuhrer", does not
merely enforce the laws, der Fuhrer is the source of
law. This is repugnant to American values which derive
from a sovereign named in the Constitution itself. The
        * Doctrine outpoints reason, and science is
always suspect.

          The Bush regime is notoriously anti-science
with regard to climate change, stem cell research,
ecology, and education.
        * Critical thought is the province of
degenerate intellectuals, who betray the culture and
subvert traditional values.

          The Third Reich defined itself with its
crackdown on intellectuals and not only becuase many
of them were Jews. Historian Richard Hofstadter
identified in America a virulent resentment of
intellectuals and traced its origin to the early,
colonial churches. More recently, the troglodytes
found in Bush, a fuhrer.
        * The national identity is provided by the
nation's enemies.

          This is the role played by the war on
terrorism, a page out of Hermann Goring's playbook.
Every tyrant has sought to rally his subjects by
exploiting fear, hate, and prejudice.
        * Argument is tantamount to treason.

          Silencing dissent makes Der Fuhrer
all-powerful but only initially. In the end, it
deprives the tyrant of crucial information. The
fascist state oftens falls by virtue of its own
ignorance. Bush, for example, has ignored his
commanders. Reality will overtake delusion. His
would-be dictatorship will fall.
        * Perpetually at war, the state must govern
with the instruments of fear. Citizens do not act;
they play the supporting role of "the people" in the
grand opera that is the state.

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Take action -- click here to contact your local
newspaper or congress people:
Impeach George W. Bush Now

Click here to see the most recent messages sent to
congressional reps and local newspapers


Len Hart is a Houston based film/video producer
specializing in shorts and full-length documentaries.
He is a former major market and network correspondent;
credits include CBS, ABC-TV and UPI. He maintains the
progressive blog: The Existentialist Cowboy


JamBoi: Jammy, The Sacred Cow Slayer
The Green Parties' #1 Blogger

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