[Sosfbay-discuss] The possible choice of Impeach or Nuremberg

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Wed May 16 14:10:35 PDT 2007


The possible choice of Impeach or Nuremberg

Hitler’s generals realized too late the direction he
was leading Germany. Will our own generals realize
this of Bush in time? Is a Seven Days in May in the
offing? When things begin to spiral out of control,
the unthinkable often becomes the reality. Like
concentration camps here in America, Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, these were unthinkable until they became a

While enduring some part of the GOP “debate” last
night I was reminded of P. T. Bridgeport’s “wind-up
candidates.” Since the time of Walt Kelly’s spoof of
presidential candidates nothing has changed for the
better among either Republicans or Democrats. What We
the People are still being offered is wind-up toys,
cookie-cutter mannequins as choices. It crossed my
mind that to have persons like Jerry Falwell and Al
Sharpton on the stage would at least have been
interesting, and in their cases you would at least be
entertained. A “What you see is what you get” choice
would at least be a choice.

One thing has changed, however, and that is the amount
of blatant corruption to be found in the White House
and Congress. It’s one thing to treat elected office
as a license to steal, but quite another when it is
flaunted shamelessly for the whole world to see on a
daily basis and the whole bunch are so corrupt none of
them dare hold any of the others accountable. But it
is obvious in a divided “Press one for English”
America, something those advocating for Mexican slave
labor to satisfy Corporate Greed do not seem to
realize is increasing the anger and resentment toward
Mexico and Mexicans throughout our nation, things are
spiraling out of control as those lusting for power
stumble about like blind men trying to grab the gold
ring, seemingly oblivious of the fact America lacking
any leaders of virtue is like a deck of cards inviting

The mounting corruption in the White House and
Congress could cause the collapse of America as a
nation. I repeat from earlier writings:

There are times when the “unthinkable” becomes
thinkable by force of circumstances and there is no
muddling through. For those of us who lived that era
of WWII and went on to study the history of the war at
length it is impossible to miss some very disturbing
parallels to what is happening with our present
government and that of Germany leading to the
Nuremberg Tribunal.

That our present White House has become so
ultra-secretive is a case in point. One cannot but
help wondering what the President and his
administration have to hide? Once secrecy for whatever
reason is invoked, especially on the seemingly too oft
specious argument “national security” all becomes
suspect. None of us question the need of secrecy where
actual national security may be at risk, there are
valid cases of “need to know,” but there is Sandy
Berger. And we know there are many Berger’s in the
present administration.

But there is little in the Congress to give us hope
corruption in government will be ended, or even
contained. When it comes to politics it is business as
usual and we would be hard pressed to point to any one
politician and say we have faith in that person to act
with virtue. Some say they have faith, but let’s see
them prove that faith by their works.

Sen. Gordon Smith, a moderate Republican from Oregon
who has been a supporter of the war in Iraq, said
months ago “the U.S. military’s tactics have failed
and he cannot support that anymore.” Smith went on to
say he is at, “the end of my rope when it comes to
supporting a policy that has our soldiers patrolling
the same streets in the same way, being blown up by
the same bombs, day after day
 That is absurd...It may
even be criminal.”

While Smith’s use of the word “criminal” has caused
him to do some furious back-peddling the word has been
used, and there is no going back from it. He may have
fallen under the spell of his own rhetoric, a typical
cause of politicians putting their foot in their
mouth, but many understood the enormity of such a word
being used. I certainly understand it and had already
written about it back in April before Smith uttered
the word, knowing as I do the lessons of history and
human nature teach there is nothing too fantastic to
imagine happening in a world seemingly lunatic because
of being dominated by religious and political hatreds.

While Hitler’s underlings “were just following
orders,” while Hitler received “credit” as the
architect of Nazism, his generals and others faced
Nuremberg, the verdict of both that tribunal and that
of history. I maintain Caesar Bush and his underlings
will yet face a “Nuremberg” in absentia if not in

In addition to the list of crimes on the part of
Caesar’s underlings, is Caesar’s own betrayal of
America through selling out our nation
with the
cooperation of a treasonous Congress refusing to
secure our borders and for betraying We the People to
a half trillion dollar debt, Globalization,
Outsourcing, NAFTA, CAFTA, La Raza, Mexico, and Saudi
Arabia, all with the clear intent of making Americans
slave labor to benefit the wealthy, ruling elite! We
are going to hear more people using the word IMPEACH!
But can an equally corrupt Congress sold out to
corporate masters, all of them in the same bed
betraying America and refusing to secure our borders
thereby inviting nuclear terrorism be expected to
follow through?

Those of us who lived the years of WWII and Nuremberg,
who know the history of that era, know circumstances
can lead to the unthinkable. None of the ordinary
citizens of Germany or Japan could possibly believe
how catastrophic for them would be the decisions their
leaders were making. None of us at the time could
possibly believe there would be concentrations camps
being set up right here in America. But when corrupt
leadership betrays the ordinary citizens of any
nation, the unthinkable often and cataclysmically
becomes the reality. It would be foolish for any to
say it can’t happen again when the circumstances are
pointing to it happening again.


JamBoi: Jammy, The Sacred Cow Slayer
The Green Parties' #1 Blogger

"To the brave belong all things"
Celt's invading Etrusca reply to nervous Romans around 400BC

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