[Sosfbay-discuss] Kucinich brings impeach Cheney to house; 23rd signer of H Res 333 joins

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Tue Nov 6 11:24:33 PST 2007

Kucinich Introduced Resolution, Response from Leadership Required Within
Two Days

Rep. Jose Serrano chaired the session. Congressman Kucinich introduced H
Res 333 and read the three charges against Cheney contained therein.
Serrano said that a time would be designated within the next two days for
the bill to be considered. At that time, anything could happen, including
a vote on the resolution, a vote on tabling the resolution, or sending the
resolution to committee (potentially with a time limit for a response).
Rep. Steny Hoyer has reportedly said he will move to table the resolution.
We have somewhere between 10 mins and 48 hours to let our Congress Members
know to vote No on tabling, Yes on impeachment. See:

Rep. Danny Davis Cosponsors Cheney Impeachment

Congressman Danny Davis has signed on as the 22nd cosponsor and 23rd total
congress member to support H Res 333: http://impeachcheney.org

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