[Sosfbay-discuss] Honda voted right way, Eshoo, Lofgren didn't; play by play of impeach Cheney

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Tue Nov 6 14:32:01 PST 2007

Many more links with voting detail, etc.:

4:41 The motion to send it to the Judiciary Committee passed with only
about 5 Dems voting No and 3 Republicans voting Yes. Presumably the 78 or
so Dems who voted No on tabling believed that to be enough to appease
their constituents, while 5 Dems actually had integrity enough to put the
Constitution ahead of Pelosi and Hoyer. There was no discussion of a time
limit for the Judiciary Committee to report back (even though there are
precedents for insisting on one with impeachment resolutions). This bill
has, of course, ALREADY been in the Judiciary Committee for months, and
that committee has done nothing with it.

Roll call. These 5 Dems voted right: Filner, Kaptur, Kucinich, Waters, Towns.

4:19 p.m. There is now a 5-min vote underway on whether to refer to the
House Judiciary Committee.

4:18 p.m. The procedural vote passed just barely (218-194). Of the 218, 3
were Republicans.

Roll call. These 5 Dems voted right: Filner, Kaptur, Kucinich, Waters,

4:14 p.m. The motion to table having failed, Hoyer moved to refer the
resolution to the House Judiciary Committee. Kucinich tried to avoid that
and get a vote on the resolution, but - unable to do that - asked for a
vote on the decision to refer to committee. Hoyer withdrew his motion and
then unwithdrew his motion. Boehner asked for 40 minutes of debate.
Serrano as chair seemed clueless for a while, and then ordered a
procedural vote on whether to vote on sending to committee. If this new
15-min vote passes, then they will vote on whether to send to committee.

4:02 p.m. Over an hour into this 15 min vote, 78 Dems are voting Nay on
tabling, joined by 164 Republicans in an apparent stunt to surprise the
Dems and bring the issue to the floor -- which the Republicans will regret
if the Democrats actually debate it and debate it well (admittedly a
remote possibility). They will say over and over and over that this has
divided the Democrats. Not outside the Beltway it hasn't. Over 3/4 of Dems
want Cheney impeached.

Currently 142 Dems to table, 78 not to [or was it 84??], 13 not voting; 28
Repubs to table, 164 not to, and 9 not voting. Most of the Republicans
switched their votes, and for some reason the leadership kept the vote
open for over an hour, allowing them to do so. No doubt the Republicans
want to get the Dem leaders on tape on the floor defending Cheney against
impeachment. But how smart is it of them to allow the topic to gain
attention? The evidence, after all, is overwhelming that Cheney has
committed impeachable offenses.

Roll call. It turns out 86 Democrats voted the right way:

Abercrombie, Allen, Baca, Baldwin, Braley (IA), Capps, Capuano, Clarke,
Clay, Cleaver, Cohen, Conyers, Crowley, Cummings, Davis (IL), DeFazio,
Dicks, Doggett, Doyle, Ellison, Farr, Filner, Green, Al; Green, Gene;
Grijalva, Gutierrez, Hare, Hinchey, Hirono, Hodes, Holt, Honda, Hooley,
Inslee, Jackson (IL), Jackson-Lee (TX), Johnson (GA), Jones (OH),
Kanjorski, Kaptur, Kilpatrick, Kucinich, Lee, Lewis (GA), Loebsack,
Maloney (NY), McCollum (MN), McDermott, Meeks (NY), Michaud, Miller (NC),
Moore (WI), Moran (VA), Napolitano, Ortiz, Pallone, Pascrell, Perlmutter,
Price (NC), Rangel, Richardson, Roybal-Allard, Rush, Schakowsky, Scott
(VA), Serrano, Shea-Porter, Sherman, Slaughter, Solis, Stark, Stupak,
Sutton, Thompson (CA), Tierney, Towns, Velázquez, Waters, Watson, Watt,
Weiner, Welch (VT), Wexler, Woolsey, Wu, Wynn

2:54 p.m. Hoyer moves to table.
Kucinich asks for Yays and Nays.
15 minute recorded vote begins.
C-Span quotes sentence from Tribune with lie about impeachment dividing
the Dems' base.
C-Span brings on Sabrina Eaton from the Plain Dealer to talk some more trash.


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