[Sosfbay-discuss] Democrats Love Bush

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Wed Nov 14 00:22:34 PST 2007

Democrats Love Bush
Wednesday, 14 November 2007

by Black Agenda Report (BAR) editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

When two Evils play tag team, the "Lesser of Two Evils" argument doesn't
work anymore. Since George Bush took office, Democratic leadership has
been his willing accomplice, smacking down every party member that dares
to stand up. Dennis Kucinich's impeachment efforts are treated like an
extraterrestrial invasion of Democrat-controlled Capitol Hill. Favored
members give a pass to a future attorney general who claims not to
understand the definition of torture. With each passing day, it appears
the Democrats are more interested in inheriting Bush's mode of rule, than
of ending it. "They want to be in power, but they do not want change of
any significance."

Freedom Rider: Democrats Love Bush

by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

"Every Democrat who attempts to stand up is smacked down."

The Democratic party is a gigantic cesspool of treachery, treachery
towards its rank and file, treachery to the constitution, and treachery to
international law. The party's leadership goes out of its way to continue
its back stabbing, claiming an inability to stop the Bush reign of terror.
Every Bush nominee is confirmed, every funding request for the occupation
of Iraq is granted. Conversely, every Democrat who attempts to stand up is
smacked down, dismissed as crazy and thwarted at every turn.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich made good on his pledge to bring an
impeachment resolution against Dick Cheney to the House floor. His efforts
were necessary and noble, but the leadership made it clear they had no use
for defending the Constitution. The House leadership worked with
Republicans to send the resolution into a Judiciary committee black hole,
and Kucinich made a personal plea to John Conyers, committee chairman. "I
believe impeachment remains the only tool Congress has to prevent a war in
Iran. This information relates directly to the Article III charges in the
resolution. I urge your timely consideration." Kucinich will have better
luck writing to Santa.

"The House leadership worked with Republicans to send the Cheney
impeachment resolution into a Judiciary committee black hole."

Republicans are unflinching and relentless in promoting white supremacy,
warfare, corporatism, sexism and government power over the individual. In
short, they are very proud fascists. Republican presidential candidates
outdo one another claiming to start new wars, torture more people and
destroy what is left of constitutional rights. They are outspoken in their
opposition to civil rights legislation, including affirmative action and
abortion rights.

Democrats claim to oppose what Republicans advocate, but you wouldn't know
it from their actions. Democratic Senators joined Republicans in approving
the Bush administration nominee for Attorney General, Michael Mukasey.
Mukasey ducked and dodged and wouldn't give a straight answer when asked
if he considered waterboarding to be torture and therefore illegal.
Democratic Senators such as Charles Schumer and Dianne Feinstein were
typical Democratic traitors. As members of the Judiciary committee they
had a responsibility to lead the charge against Mukasey, instead they gave
him the thumbs up. Feinstein has already confessed that she plans to
support legislation giving immunity to the telecom corporations who went
along with the illegal NSA spying scheme.

It is comforting but foolhardy to believe that Bush alone is to blame for
this sorry state of affairs. Complicit Democrats have aided and abetted
his crimes from the first day he took office. The time has come to admit
that Democrats won't stop Bush for the simple reason that they want to do
what he is doing. They want to be in power, but only because they want
some of what he has, namely powerful positions in Congress, top jobs for
their friends, and lobbyists at their beck and call. They do not want
change of any significance.

"Complicit Democrats have aided and abetted Bush's crimes from the first
day he took office."

It isn't hard to see why they idolize Bush so much. He has basement level
approval ratings, a party out of power, and yet he achieves one victory
after another. Why wouldn't crooked, conniving politicians want some of
what he has?

George W. Bush has unleashed pent up fascistic fantasies. They lived below
the surface, and were rarely expressed for fear of exposure. But he got
away with all of his evil doing, and the copy cat Democrats have admitted
their desire to be unashamedly evil too. Now they look on in admiration.

Perhaps they too can keep unwanted voters away from the polls, ignore the
wishes of party members, or start wars whenever they want. Maybe their
corporate masters can make their lives comfortable and protect them from
any accountability. Bush is living the sweet life as far as the pathetic
Democratic wannabes are concerned. They are like envious children with
their noses pressed against the candy store window, salivating and waiting
for a time when they too can get all the goodies they want.

"Democrats should be afraid of the rank and file, they should know that
the worst traitors will face primary challenges."

Democrats who do want change shouldn't waste time hoping for victory this
time next year. All efforts should be focused on stopping the traitor
party, the Democrats, right now. They should be afraid of the rank and
file, they should know that the worst traitors will face primary
challenges. If not, a Democratic victory will be little more than a bad
sequel of the Bush regime.

The Democrats may claim to be sheep, but they are wolves dressed in
camouflage. We have two enemies in Washington, not just one. Democracy
will be dead for good if that simple fact is not acknowledged and acted
upon. That truth hurts, but denial hurts even more.

Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR. Ms.
Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at
Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgandaReport.Com. Ms. Kimberley' maintains an
edifying and frequently updated blog at freedomrider.blogspot.com.  More
of her work is also available at her Black Agenda Report archive page.
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