[Sosfbay-discuss] New Broom Coalition seeks proimpeachment candidates, asks Fitzgerald to reopen the Plame case

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Mon Nov 26 01:01:40 PST 2007

November 26, 2007 at 01:16:57

New Broom Coalition asks Fitzgerald to reopen the Plame case

by Howard Burbank II (Posted by Carol Wolman)



A national coalition of pro-impeachment candidates for the 2009 US
Congress is asking US Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitgerald to reopen his
 investigations of President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard
Cheney, former Bush chief of staff Andrew Card, Karl Rove and Scooter
Libby.  We are responding to allegations  by former White House Press
Secretary Scott McClellan that President Bush was directly involved in
the outing of CIA officer Valerie Plame.  McClellan  says in his
forthcoming book, "What Happened" that he " unknowingly passed  along
false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the
administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the Vice
President, the President's chief of staff, and the President himself."

 The congressional hopefuls in the New Broom Coalition have already begun
local campaigns to sweep from Congress those incumbents who refuse to
hold the Bush administration accountable by  impeachment.  Bush and
Cheney need to be held accountable for the lies told to sell the Iraq war
and occupation, and to out Ms. Plame.

 Ms. Plame was a CIA agent assigned to tracking nuclear
 weapons development, when her undercover identity was revealed by
 administration leaks to journalist Robert Novak and others. US Special
 Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald investigated the case for almost a year
 before winning a conviction against Cheney aide "Scooter" Libby, whose
 sentence was commuted by Bush.  Fitzgerald personally  interviewed Bush 
for 70 minutes during that investigation, with Bush's criminal attorney

 The New Broom Coalition is composed of Democrats, Greens and independent
candidates for Congress from across the nation.  (Republicans who accept
our mission statement http://sances.info/newbroom/?q=mission are also
free to join.)   We are outraged by the crimes of the administration in
prosecuting the war and occupations of Afghanistan and  Iraq, by threats
to national security in the case of outing Valerie Plame,  and by the
malfeasance of Congress in its repeated failures to uphold and  defend
the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, evinced by
these policies and actions.  The Coalition meets regularly on the
internet to discuss issues, policies, and strategies to achieve its

 The Coalition's call to Special Prosecutor Fitzpatrick is our first joint
 public statement on its intentions to try to return the nation to sane
 foreign policy, constitutional government based on the rule of law.

 We believe that further investigation of Scott McClellan's statements and
beliefs will provide a legal basis for prosecution of the Bush
administration for threatening the national defense by exposing its
undercover CIA agents.  Some have called it a treasonous offense.

drafted by

 Attorney Harold Burbank
 84 N. Mountain Rd.
 Canton, CT  06019
 Ph: 860-693-2687; Cell 860-205-0102
 email: hburbankii at att.net

The New Broom Coalition is seeking candidates for Congress.  If you are
challenging an incumbent Representative, and agree with our mission
statement http://sances.info/newbroom/?q=mission , please contact our
webmaster at http://sances.info/newbroom/?q=contact

November 24, 2007 at 00:48:37


by Carol Wolman     Page 1 of 2 page(s)


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We are a group of challengers for Congressional seats currently held by
people who won't support impeachment. http://sances.info/newbroom
We are Democrats, Greens, independents, from around the country, who
believe that most of the current Congress is craven and corrupt, complicit
with the crimes of the Bush administration.

We are seeking like-minded candidates. Our goal is to have challengers in
every Congressional district, both in the primaries and in the general
election; thus we can have up to two challengers per district.

We believe that by next November, we can put enough of our candidates into
Congress to change the direction of this country, no matter who is elected

To join, a candidate must subscribe to our mission statement- see below.

If you are a candidate, or know a suitable candidate, please contact us
through our website http://sances.info/newbroom

Or email me directly, at cwolman at mcn.org


1) We believe Bush and Cheney have committed many impeachable offenses. If
elected, we will work to impeach them in the first two opening weeks of
the 111th Congress, and will continue the process after they leave office.
We will get rid of precedents they have set, and make them subject to
criminal proceedings, which will strip them of the perks and protections
that ex- executives usually receive. We will restore the rule of law, and
bring lawbreakers to justice.

2) We will seek to restore the Constitution, especially the balance of
powers among the branches, and the Bill of Rights.

3) We will work to restore paper ballots and ensure the integrity of the
election process.

4) We will work for withdrawal from occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan,
stop threatening Iran, and seek a negotiated peace with these countries,
on a fair basis. We will work actively for world peace, and put an end to
endless war.

5) We will make it priority to address global concerns such as global
warming, and to work with other nations on the basis of leadership, not
military might. We will put planetary survival and restoration of
ecological balance above private profit.

6) We will seek to control nuclear weapons by restoring the nuclear
NonProliferation Treaty, pressuring Israel, India and Pakistan to join it,
and start the process of disarmament of nuclear nations mandated by
Article VI.


Carol S. Wolman, MD is a psychiatrist in Northern California. A lifelong
peace activist, she has written extensively on the psychology of our
times. She is a cochair of Bay Area Impeach Bush-Cheney. You can join or
form a local group at http://impeachbush.meetup.com/ She ran for Congress
in '06, and is now a Gteen candidate for Congress in CA district 1. She is
a coordinator of The New Broom Coalition, for a clean sweep of Congress.

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