[Sosfbay-discuss] summary of legislation

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 29 13:51:34 PST 2007

A blogger has posted the following item which lists, tallies,
what has actually taken place in this session of congress.

Measured by the number of bills signed or vetoed by the president
and what they were about.


from the article:

But now look at what Congress did in terms of the substance (bloggers take)
of the legislation sent to the White House.

Government reform 3 (lobbying; drug and pesticide safety)
Treasury 3 (coinage; increase debt ceiling; Internet tax)
Education 5 (U.S.-Poland parliamentary youth exchange;
three on college funding; Higher Education Act)
Peace Corps 1 (contractor funding)
Appropriations 2 (CR; Defense Appropriations) CR = continuing resolution
Trade issues 2 (trade assistance; emergency economic powers)
Veterans 2 (suicide prevention; disability pay)
Water resources 1 (rivers and harbors; passed over veto)
Other/Mixed 7 (medals; monuments; museums; 9/11 victims; appointments)
Naming post offices 14 highways, Veterans facilities

Mote than half – 21 public laws – are essentially aimed at ceremonial 
issues. This is considered “good use” of congressional time? Hardly, I 

And what of the eleven remaining appropriations bills that are still 

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