[Sosfbay-discuss] Fred published in Merc: Arguments against impeachment don't stand up

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Thu Sep 20 12:31:32 PDT 2007


Another view: Arguments against impeachment don't stand up
By Fred Duperrault
Article Launched: 09/20/2007 01:33:01 AM PDT

Impeachment should be a hot topic in the halls of Congress and on the
front pages of newspapers. But, since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took
impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney "off the
table," most Democrats, including Silicon Valley Reps. Anna Eshoo, Mike
Honda and Zoe Lofgren, are marching to Pelosi's drum beat.

Because of the media's self-imposed gag order on impeachment, most
Americans are unaware that articles of impeachment to indict Cheney have
been submitted to the House Judiciary Committee. The House Resolution
Articles (HR 333) were submitted by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, months
ago. Since then, 19 Democrats, including Bay Area Reps. Lynn Woolsey of
Santa Rosa, Barbara Lee of Oakland and Sam Farr of Salinas have signed on.

However, Silicon Valley representatives continue to obey Pelosi's edict.

The obvious question is why?

Why are Pelosi and her entourage refusing to honor their responsibility to
challenge, through constitutional impeachment, the illegality of Bush's
and Cheney's use of self-appointed powers? Why are they avoiding charging
Bush and Cheney for fraudulently leading our country into an illegal
"shock and awe" assault on Iraq, a relatively defenseless sovereign state.
Why have they not defended our Constitution - the foundation of our
democratic federation and the guardian of justice and civil rights? And
why do they remain complicit - by their silence - to the deceptive and
impeachable escapades of the Bush-Cheney administration? Why?

Following are four general answers offered by Pelosi and the three
representatives from Silicon Valley. After each answer is a rebuttal by
the Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition.

ANSWER: There are not enough House votes to impeach Bush and Cheney.

REBUTTAL: Only by exposure of their crimes and misdemeanors, made possible
by impeachment investigations, would they gain the number of votes
necessary to impeach and indict. When the public realizes the severity of
the Bush-Cheney violations, opposition to impeachment should quickly melt

ANSWER: There isn't enough evidence to prove that they are guilty of
violating the trust they were given to exercise power.

REBUTTAL: Baloney! Many renowned constitutional scholars and lawyers, and
millions of informed political buffs, can easily identify the impeachable
White House vices. How can those who have the power to impeach dismiss the
proliferation of evidence documented in volumes across the land? How can
they honestly say there isn't enough evidence?

ANSWER: Congress doesn't have the time to impeach. Conducting oversight
investigations and passing important legislation pre-empts any attempt to
invoke an impeachment process to preserve the validity and the democratic
viability of our Constitution. A political strategy for the next year is
more important.

REBUTTAL: There's strong consensus that the Bush-Cheney administration has
been the most corrupt, most incompetent and most dangerous of any
throughout the history of the Union. Plus, the severe damage to the
integrity of the United States and the offices of the presidency and vice
presidency have been tragic.

ANSWER: Impeachment would divide the country.

REBUTTAL: Both political parties and the whole nation are already divided,
but the polls show that the country's approval rating of President Bush
has been consistently below 40 percent. Upon commencement of impeachment
proceedings, the overwhelming evidence of Bush and Cheney's crimes and
misdemeanors would be so convincing, most of America would become of one
mind regarding the validity to impeach.

Sweeping the impeachment debate under the congressional carpet will not
heal the nation. Nor will a healthy revelation of the truth through the
impeachment process destroy the unity of America.

Area activists for impeachment are urging voters in the 14th, 15th and
16th congressional Districts to participate in making impeachment a hot
topic. The best way to do so is to contact their representatives and tell
them to sign on to impeach Cheney, and then Bush.

FRED DUPERRAULT is a member of the Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition.
He wrote this article for the Mercury News.

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