[Sosfbay-discuss] Comment of Interest from AlterNet Headlines

Andrea Dorey andid at cagreens.org
Sun Sep 23 11:08:52 PDT 2007

I found this comment interesting.  It was posted in the comment  
section in response to "Why Can't the U.S. Have the Debate about  
Naomi Klein's Book That Europe Has?"  The book: "The Shock Doctrine -  
The Rise of Disaster Capitalism."

...progressives are guilty of voting against their own interests as  
well. Nearly every Dem is mainstream, which means to the right of  
center, except Kucinich. A long-term approach to change would mean  
voting for the candidate who best serves our interests, the American  
people's interests, even if it means losing a few elections. I have  
heard all the arguments against voting for "fringe candidates," and  
they are all short-term solutions to the long-term problem of change.  
We have to live our beliefs NOW, and vote our convictions, not in  
some future election. If every progressive and liberal voted for  
Kucinich or a Nader or Green Party candidate, change will come  
sooner, not later. 
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