[Sosfbay-discuss] Ritter, Ellsberg focus on Iran

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 27 11:44:03 PDT 2007

Both Scott Ritter and Daniel Ellsberg focus on the
possible attack on Iran.

FWIW, I agree that at this point preventing an attack
on Iran is more important.

	-	-	-

Scott Ritter:

"Iraq Will Have to Wait"
(Iran is much more important)

"Neither Congress nor the American people (including the
  antiwar movement) have a plan or the gumption to confront
  President Bush in anything more than cosmetic fashion over
  the war in Iraq, and while those charged with oversight
  mill about looking to score cheap political points and/or
  save face, the administration continues its march toward
  conflict with Iran unimpeded."

"Here's the danger: While the antiwar movement focuses its
  limited resources on trying to leverage real congressional
  opposition to the war in Iraq, which simply will not happen
  before the 2008 election, the Bush administration and its
  Democratic opponents will outflank the antiwar movement on
  the issue of Iran, pushing forward an aggressive agenda in
  the face of light or nonexistent opposition."

"Of the two problems (the reality of Iraq, the potential of
  Iran), Iran is by far the more important."

	-	-	-

Daniel Ellsberg:

"This Coup and The Next One"

"I think nothing has higher priority than averting an attack
  on Iran, which I think will be accompanied by a further
  change in our way of governing here that in effect will
  convert us into what I would call a police state."

"This is an unusual gang, even for Republicans. [But] I think
  that the successors to this regime are not likely to roll
  back the assault on the Constitution. They will take
  advantage of it, they will exploit it."

"Averting Iran and averting a further coup in the face of a
  9/11, another attack, is for right now, it can't be put off.
  It will take a kind of political and moral courage of which
  we have seen very little..."

	-	-	-

So what does this mean for us?


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