[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: Be heard: San Jose public hearing on state global warming solutions]

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 1 22:58:38 PDT 2008

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Be heard: San Jose public hearing on state global warming solutions
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2008 21:07:04 GMT
From: "Union of Concerned Scientists Action Network" <action at ucsusa.org>
To: "Gerald Gras" <gerrygras at earthlink.net>

[Climate Choices: Northeast]

Dear Gerald,

Bay Area Public Workshop on CA Global Warming Solutions Plan

9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday, August 8

Berger Auditorium     1555 Berger Drive, San Jose, CA

Last month, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) released a draft
plan for reducing the state's global warming pollution 30 percent by
2020. Overall, the Union of Concerned Scientists applauds the state for
creating a comprehensive proposal that could create green jobs and clean
up air pollution while at the same time reducing the pollution that
causes global warming. However, we still have work to do to strengthen
the final plan that is due out in October. We must send a clear message
that California needs the most comprehensive, strongest possible set of
clean energy, clean transportation, and other global warming policies!

You can make a difference. CARB is holding a public workshop for the Bay
Area in San Jose on Friday, August 8, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You
can have three minutes to speak to CARB staff directly. It's important
that CARB hears from a variety of voices including business owners,
green job seekers, health workers, union members, religious leaders, and
other concerned citizens. We've included some sample talking points
below that include UCS recommendations to improve the plan. If you would
like help preparing for the meeting or going over the talking points, we
are happy to talk with you by phone before the workshop. Click here to
let us know you can attend the workshop on August 8.


Thanks for your support.

Erin Rogers
California Outreach Coordinator
Union of Concerned Scientists


Talking Points for Global Warming Scoping Plan Hearings

I want to thank CARB for producing the nation's most comprehensive plan
to date for reducing the pollution that causes global warming. However,
I urge CARB to strengthen parts of the plan that are weak.

The scoping plan recommends that a third of our electricity come from
renewable sources like wind and solar by 2020. I strongly urge you to
keep this vital component in the final plan. (Click here for more
information on the renewable electricity standard.)

The scoping plan recommends that CARB consider a "Clean Car Discount"
program (sometimes called a "feebates" program), for reducing global
warming pollution from cars and trucks. Instead of just considering a
Clean Car Discount, CARB should recommend implementing a Clean Car
Discount program as one important part of the solution to reduce global
warming pollution from our cars and trucks. (Click here for more
information on the "Clean Car Discount" or feebates program.)

While the scoping plan includes a cap and trade program--a market based
plan to limit global warming pollution--it is currently far too lenient.
For instance, it allows 100 percent of the emission reductions to come
from offsets, so instead of reducing their own pollution, polluters can
just meet the requirements by paying for pollution-reducing projects
elsewhere. The use of offsets for compliance in a cap and trade system
must be carefully limited to a very small fraction of required
reductions. Offsets should never be used to comply with direct
regulations, like the renewable energy or clean car standards. (Click
here for more information on the cap and trade program.)

The state's global warming plan should deter pollution and reward clean
energy. A cap on pollution must require polluters to pay for their
"allowances" based on how much they pollute, so that we can level the
playing field and encourage cleaner sources of energy. Allowances should
not be given away for free. (Click here for more information on cap and
trade allowances.) <http://ucsaction.org/ct/d7LU4oY1Z4tQ/>


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to support our research and advocacy.
Join us to promote practical, science-based environmental and security

If you have general questions, comments or concerns about this action,
send email to ucsaction at ucsusa.org <mailto:action at ucsusa.org>

Climate Choices <http://www.climatechoices.org> is a project of the
Union of Concerned Scientists. You received this email because you are
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