[Sosfbay-discuss] Guaranteed Income

Edward the_alliance47 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 7 09:06:13 PDT 2008

I went to a talk by Steven Shafarman, the author of Peaceful, Positive Revolution: Economic Security for Every American,
which talks about the idea of a guaranteed income as proposed in the
1930s by Huey Long and the Share Our Wealth campaign and the 1960s
under the Nixon Administration. The Green Party supports it, but I
still don't know what it is trying to solve. He did not really do a
good job of selling this idea and showing what this can accomplish that
current programs like Social Security, unemployment benefits, etc. is
not already doing.

Also, why would the wealthy get this $800 per month income too? Is
there also cost of living adjustment, because I don't think it is
possible to pay for a month's rent and food in Silicon Valley with $800
(or maybe it is and I am being classist).

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