[Sosfbay-discuss] Gaza: Is it Violence or Just Land?

JGSHURT69 at aol.com JGSHURT69 at aol.com
Wed Dec 31 18:16:27 PST 2008

So much talk about rockets and terrorism.
No. It's much more simple and familiar.
It's not about victims. It's only about land..
Palestinians are on it,
and have been on it for centuries.
Israel claims it, by God and the UN.
Just like Indian Land 
from sea to shining sea.
The natives were the terrorists,
Marines still scream "Geronimo !!!"
Give us the land or die in Gaza,
or in Arizona.
Why even talk about violence?
Viva Palestine / Israel
One state solution. Right of return.
Human Rights for all...or
Divestment, no tourism, no more dollars.
Viva South Africa.
Viva Cuba Libre.
Happy New Year
Jeffrey in San Bruno
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