[Sosfbay-discuss] Cameron's Post on Handling the "Spoiler" Question

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Thu Feb 28 15:02:12 PST 2008


Cameron, that's brilliant.? you really should polish that a little bit and submit it for publication someplace where millions of people can read it.? I, myself, struggle constantly with my desire to call for "Jihad" against the Democratic Party Machine Bosses in Los Angeles.? I hate the Democrats.? I can't stop thinking about the things they've done to sell-out, betray, marginalize, and ridicule people I know who have worked 10, 20, 30, and even 40 years for peace, civil rights, women's rights, labor rights, and environmentalism.? Then, to add insult to injury, every time we turn around along comes another rich, well-connected charming "liberal" with a law degree from Harvard or Yale and so-called "progressives" swoon.? 

Having said all that, Cameron, I know in my head you are right.? 

We should be "Green and cuddly."? You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. 

I think we should have a workshop on this at a plenary.? I am serious.? We should practice a little "role play" on what to say and how to act when somebody puts the "spoiler" argument.? We should also have a workshop on what to say and what not to say in a press release.? Thus, for example, I've been told if you want to get an op-ed in a newspaper you must never, ever, insult the editors in your op-ed.? Oh!? That is so hard for me.? I hate the MSM almost as much as the Democratic Party bosses!?? The "Op-Ed" page is supposed to be for? views that disagree with the newspaper's editorials.? But the subtle truth is, they only print "Op-Eds" that genuflect to the paper's wisdom in some way.? When the Los Angeles Times posted my blog it was because I *AGREED* with their editorial about the need for reform.? I just said the Democrats and the Republicans were incapable of doing it.? 

It's a very subtle thing.? You gotta be firm... but you gotta be nice (notice how they are all saying what a "nice guy" William F. Buckley was and never mind that the guy was an outright fascist.? Buckley was "witty" and "polite" with a degree from Yale).? 

Alex Walker 

-----Begin Original Message-----

From: Cameron L. Spitzer <cls at greens.org>

To: gpca-ccwg at cagreens.org

Sent: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:22 pm

Subject: Re: [GPCA-CCWG] What is future of the GP, What Nader runing for? gpca-ccwg Digest, Vol 30, Issue 23


Bob Marsh wrote:

Do not give any ground or sympathy to Demopublicans who

are infected. ?Attack them (verbally only) whenever you hear

this crap. ? Tell them you wish we had "spoiled" the election

because then they might pay attention to our demands!

Please don't.? Don't utter a single word which might be taken

as admitting there is any such thing as "spoiling."?

These days, when I meet one of these die-hard Dems,

and they accuse the Greens or Nader of "
I pretend

I have never heard the accusation before and ask them to

explain it to me.? Then I interrupt them at each false

assumption in their argument.? Nobody has ever been able

to explain 
The Spoiler Effect to me
without making at least

one false assumption.? Of course they don't learn

anything from the exchange, faith being impervious to mere

facts and reason, but it gives them the message

that I am not buying one bit of their crap, and they go away.

If they want to talk politics with me, fine, but I'm not

joining them in Toontown to do it.

.? .? .

-----End Original Message-----

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