[Sosfbay-discuss] Found in a church newsletter, somewhere near Harrisonburg, Virginia

Tian Harter tnharter at aceweb.com
Mon Jan 28 21:16:25 PST 2008

My sister forwarded this to me. The denomination of the church is Menonite.

_____________Forward follows:

Family of Hope House Church                                January 2008

Less Oil for Lent

During Lent (begins this year on Ash Wednesday, February 6), Christians 
have traditionally practiced 40 days of doing justice towards God, 
(prayer), justice towards self (fasting), and justice towards neighbor 
(giving money to the poor). In modern times this has changed to giving 
up or sacrificing something that we enjoy or perceive that we can’t do 
without during Lent.  The intention is that our desire for something 
remind us of our desire for God and how Jesus sacrificed his life for 
the world.
      As the war in Iraq continues, and concern for global climate 
change increases, we invite you to participate in Less Oil for Lent. 
Make Lent a time to reflect and participate in positive actions that 
call for an end to the Iraq War and reduce the impacts of Climate 
Change. During the six weeks of Lent each of us in our own way can make 
a pledge to reduce our use of oil and gas. It is a chance to work 
together and share ideas. Below are several ways in which you can choose 
to participate:

•     Travel to church by bicycle or walking each Sunday of Lent
•     Better insulate and caulk your home
      Change all light bulbs from incandescent to compact fluorescent
•     Eat only locally grown food on Sundays of Lent
•     Walk, bike or carpool to work each week (or use the bus)
      Any trip under a mile will be done by bicycle or walking
•     Light your home by candle light on Sundays instead of electricity
•     Burn scrap wood for heat instead of fossil fuels
•     Insulate the first six feet of your hot water pipes
•     Be a vegetarian for six weeks of Lent
•     Turn down your hot water heater to 115 degrees F
•     Install a programmable thermostat
•     Install an efficient shower head

      We also invite you to contact your elected officials or write a 
letter to the editor to explain why you are participating in Less Oil 
for Lent. If you have more questions or are interested in helping 
organize and promote Less Oil for Lent please call phone number above.

_____________End Forward

I recommend voting for Cynthia McKinney on Feb 5th in the Green Primary!
"There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure." Jack E. 

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